2011年8月31日 星期三

Quick Tips For Weight Loss

Our society is full of images of thin, sexy people � it�s no wonder that everyone is always on the hunt for some Quick Tips For Weight Loss. People of average weight, even people who are thin by any standards often obsess about their weight, and try every �get thin quick� offer that comes their way. Of course, it�s never that easy. There�s no one path to rapid weight loss � everyone has to find his or her own road to weight loss.

That�s not to say that there isn�t some common wisdom that can help almost anyone lose weight! We�re not talking about the best exercise equipment to cram into your garage, or the most effective diet pills on the market here. This is about using your most important muscle � your brain � to help you with your weight loss. The easiest way to lose weight is to understand how weight loss works. Here are some Quick Tips For Weight Loss.

The first tip is to Set Realistic Goals! Any nutritionist, personal trainer, or doctor will tel l you the same thing. The biggest mistake a lot of people make when setting out to lose weight is to set their expectations too high. New Year�s rolls around, and people rush to the gym saying �I�m going to lose 30 pounds by April!� April 1st rolls around, and having lost just 5 pounds, they give up hope.

Don�t set yourself up for disappointment by setting goals you simply can�t attain. Start by committing to lose a small amount of weight, and work your way up. Similarly, while dedication is your greatest asset, don�t work yourself too hard or crash diet. This breeds an �all-or-nothing� mentality � you break your diet for a day and then just say, �What the heck!� and gorge yourself on food. Believe it or not, maintaining a good diet and exercise routine only gets easier over time, so just stick with it.

The next tip is Do Your Research! This is one of the most important tips for weight loss. There are what seems like billions of weight loss programs av ailable these days. Some of them work, but most of them are shams. Make sure you know what you�re getting into before you buy any product, including diet handbooks, exercise machines, or diet pills. While the biggest risk is that they might not do anything, some of these products are even unsafe. Check reviews and testimonials to be sure that what you�re trying is worth your time and money.

There�s something else that you should research if you want to lose weight � and that�s how your body works. The body is a very complex machine, and there are a lot of factors that can affect your ability to lose weight. Make sure you understand how to exercise � the different between cardio and strength training, aerobic and anaerobic, and how much of each you should be doing. Also, learn about how foods and vitamins affect your body. With these tips for weight loss, you�ll be on the road to a thinner you in no time.

Want to learn some more Quick Tips For Weight Loss? C heck them out here.


2011年8月30日 星期二

10 Effective Tips for Weight Loss

With all of the workout routines, fitness programs and diet supplements out there, finding the most effective ways to burn fat and change your body shape and image is one of the most difficult things to do. Here I try to make it easier for you by providing you some very effectivetips for weight loss that you can easily implement from today.

Incorporating these 10 weight loss tips into your life will allow you to now only get a flat stomach and nice figure, but will also help you lead a healthier life while making you feel better. Taking care of your body, whether you are a man or woman, is one of the best decisions you can make!

Tip #1. Form the Water Habit

Drinking more water is one of the most well known and best weight loss tips. Fitness and health experts encourage people to drink approximately eight glasses of water a day as it will help you stay hydrated and energized throughout the day. In addition, grabbing a refreshing glass of water will also help to flush toxins out of your system, boost your metabolism and encourage you to build muscle.

Tip #2. Eat Small Meals More Often

Another diet tip that we are quite familiar with is eating small meals throughout the day. Instead of the traditional three-meals-a-day plan, you should eat six small meals a day. The key her is ensuring that you not only cut back on your food consumption at each meal while increasing the number of meals but to also make sure that these meals are high in protein, moderate amount of carbs and low in fat. If you don't make sure of this it will result in you increase fat storage throughout your body rather than reducing it!

Tip #3. Choose a Light Weights, High Reps Work Out

Adding a weight loss program to your work out routine is one great way to maximize the amount of fat you burn. Lifting weights will not only tone your physique but also strengthen the muscles in strategic areas of your body, most importantly your core. Weight training will also burn calories and fat more quickly as it provides an extra boost to your metabolism along with your regular cardio exercise. The key here however is not to build muscle but to tone muscle and encourage fat burn. Therefore you should perform many sets (4 to 6 sets) of light to moderate weight (50 to 60% of your max) for a high number of repetitions (12 to 16 reps), as opposed to lifting heavy weights for a few reps to failure like a bodybuilder!

Tip #4. Choose Protein Supplements to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

Not everyone likes the idea of taking supplements but in order to lose weight you must increase your protein intake and it is quite often difficult to do this through diet alone. Protein-laden foods and supplements are good for boosting your metabolism and this tip for weight loss enables your body to burn fat even faster. Consuming a protein-enriched diet will also help you rebuild muscle after your intense work outs and maintain the leanness of that muscle. But also be wise and take great care in choosing proteins and protein shakes, they should be low in fat and sugars so you do not consume too many extra calories and glucose.

Tip #5. To Live Longer, Cut Calories Wisely

Instead of drastically cutting your calorie intake when starting a healthy lifestyle, use a gradual step-down method to minimize health risks. By reducing calories you take in too quickly you run the risk of drastically lowering your metabolism below what is healthy for your body.

Tip #6. Avoid Marathon Work Outs

This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to burn fat and lose weight. Instead of having a long, extensive work out session, a great tip for weight loss is to break up your work out plan into smaller chunks throughout the day. Like taking a brisk walk in the morning, enjoying a workout at lunch, and finally a little exercise in the evening. In addition, breaking up your work out will better maintain your metabolism keeping it active throughout the day.

Tip #7. Remember to Reward Yourself

Be sure to reward yourself when it comes to successfully dieting and losing weight. Remember you are human! Allow small indulgence as everyone has temptations and favorite treats. This way you will be less likely to cheat on your new diet if you grant yourself small rewards. For example, if you are a chocolate lover, treat yourself each week to a small square of chocolate or a single chocolate kiss.

Tip #8. Mix It Up

Mix it up rather than repeat the same exercise routine every day! Gosh..how bored do you want to be! Mixing it up allows you to experience a variety of exercises, just be sure to choose from a variety of quality weight loss exercises. Consistently engaging in various exercises will keep you motivated and at best allow you to maintain your goal of getting a flat stomach. One day, you may opt to swim laps, jog another, or bike the next. Each of individual is also different and burns fat in their own way, varying your daily routine will help you discover the best ways to tone your individual body.

Tip #9. Skip Happy Hour Today

For those of you who truly want to burn fat quickly, avoid calorie-rich substances which are rich in sugars and carbohydrates like alcohol and beer! These can add up quickly and take away from the necessary nutrients that you need in your daily diet. Furthermore, alcohol is an inhibitor to burning fat, which allows your body to store it more quickly.

Tip #10. Try out the Low GI (Glycemic Index) Diet

Foods with low rankings on the Glycemic Index should be consumed to help the body burn fats and calories at a quicker pace. Considered as an excellent method for quick weight loss, low GI foods are nutritious and include many fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and grain products.


2011年8月29日 星期一

ProForm 10.0 ZE Elliptical Trainer Review

ProForm 10.0 ZE Elliptical Trainer is a trainer that has an adjustable stride system. In addition to the 12 digital resistance levels, it also has 8 timed workout and 8 weight-loss workout programs. This elliptical trainer has an iFit workout technology and Intermix Acoustics systems integrated. There is a cooling fan and an iPod audio system that will help you to make your training more pleasurable.

Features and Specifications

ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer is highly intense trainer with an adjustable stride system. There are three lengths available for your choice: 13, 15 and 18 inches. This function allows target leg muscles without wearing weights, and this way makes your leg muscles more definite.

On ProForm 10.0 ZE Elliptical Trainer, are 8 preset weight-loss workout as well as 8 timed workout programs. If you decide training with a weight-loss workout, you will see that it has a predetermined time, speed and incline options that all together make you burn more calories. When using the timed workout, it matches your workout schedule. Additionally, you may also want to use a manual program with 12 digital resistance levels.

The Interplay music port and an integrated Intermix Acoustics 2.0 sound system allow enjoying each of your training. Besides, there is also an iFit workout card technology that will assist y ou improving your performance, feeling better and reaching the best weight-loss results in just eight weeks. The card works the following way: it's set by a personal trainer, and gets plugged into the console. It sets the machine automatically (adjusts your individual resistance), and during all your training you will hear a voice of your personal trainer.

The upper body workout arms and a dual-grip EKG heart rate monitor are another feature of ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer. The trainer also features the oversized non-slip pedals that make your training more stable and comfortable. There is also a holder for a bottle of water you may always have with you during exercising. To make you feel even more excited, there is a CoolAire fan integrated into the unit - and this makes the ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical even better.

The ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer LCD display helps you tracking your progress. You will be constantly updated with speed, distan ce, time, calories and pulse information. ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer is 74 x 24.5 x 64 inches of size, weighs 173 lb and has 275 lb capacity.

Together with the ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer, you will get a lifetime warranty that consists of 1-year warranty on parts and labor and a warranty on the frame.

Customer Reviews

To better evaluate the ProForm 10.0 ZE elliptical trainer, we asked a group of people who have this trainer to share their experience on its performance and other characteristics. We gathered their positive and negative feedbacks, and share them with you below. You will find them divided into different categories, so that you could find the most relevant information quicker.


As all other high-performance and heavy elliptical trainers, ProForm 10.0 ZE Trainer needs to be assembled before use. One of our questioned people, who rated this elliptical trainer at the highest rate, said that he started having problems after a couple of months. It finally turned out to be due to a wrong assembly: "I called customer service and they sent a technician out. He told me that the screws need to be tight tight TIGHT and that most people were afraid of overtightening... he said not to be, just tighten them as much as you can. It is back to being whisper quiet. He also said that if you are constantly putting it away (it is currently in my bedroom so I have to fold it up every time) and stuff, that the screws will loosen up faster. When it starts to creak, just tighten them back up."

Weight and Size

The Proform 10.0 ZE Elliptical trainer is a heavy (173 lb) unit. Once purchased, it need s to be settled in one place as you will not be able to move it around so easily. This machine is exactly like those you may find in the gym, so think well before you choose the place for your new trainer.

Although it's heavy, it's not very large. One lady shared that she would recommend this for someone who is "looking for an affordable elliptical and does not have a lot of space".


All our reviewers rated Proform 10.0 ZE Elliptical Trainer at a very high rate. They said it's so great and worth money you pay, so they recognize this as the best elliptical trainer of this category: "I'm very happy with the purchase and results. Overall this is a great machine and provides a great workout!"

Thanks to an iFit technology, this trainer is recognized as the best elliptical trainer. Many reviewers said that it works so great and helps reaching the best results: "I have one of the iFit cards and it is great. I a lways wondered why my workouts felt so much harder than being on an elliptical at the gym. The tech said level 1 on this machine is like a level 3 on a machine at the gym...so you are actually getting a pretty tough workout being on just level 1."

The Pros:

* Has an adjustable stride system
* 12 digital resistance levels
* Has 8 timed workouts and 8 weight-loss workouts
* iFit workout technology
* integrated cooling fan
* iPod and Intermix Acoustics 2.0 systems

The Cons:

* Following one reviewer, it might be hard to know where exactly you need to place your hands to get the proper reading for your heart rate.

Overall rating

After a number of positive feedbacks received, we believe that Proform 10.0 ZE is a great elliptical trainer. We would recommend it for those who have no time going to the gym and don't have a lot of space av ailable at home, but still want to have a heavy high-performance trainer.


2011年8月28日 星期日

Weight Loss Diet The Best Way To Use A Weight Loss Calculator

Using a weight loss calculator can help you determine, to the exact number, how much weight you have lost due to your weight loss plan. Many people swear by a weight loss calculator because it provides them the accurate numbers they need to complete their weight loss goals. It also helps give them a good indication as to where they are headed if they continue their current course of action. Using a calculator to determine your weight loss is a great motivating factor if actually seeing the numbers drop or go up is a way in which you are motivated to lose weight.

Other people are not motivated by actually seeing the numbers of their weight loss cruise by on a calculator or a computerized mechanism of any sort, so they rather keep a general basis marking of what it is they need to achieve and rely on scales to get there. In other words, they would rather intermittently weigh themselves instead of having constant calculations of their progress. It really, in the end, all comes down to personal preference in terms of whether you decide to use a weight loss calculator or not and actually ends up revealing an awful lot about how you intend to lose weight.

The Basics Of The Device

You can start using your weight loss calculator the instant you get it out of the box. It will calculate your goal weight and your actual weight and begin to deliver state of the art attempts at telling you how much you will need to lose by when to get to your goal. It will even logically try to measure out what you will need to lose in amounts coupled with times, so that you can accurately see if you are on track towards your weight loss goals. It calculates body types and other elements, too, to give you as close to an accurate weight loss estimation as possible.

You should, of course, remember that a weight loss calculator is just an estimation of weight loss and cannot at all accurately guess exactly how you will end up in terms of weight loss. You can, however, use it as a rough guide for yourself and determine how much weight you need to lose and how you need to lose it with its assistance. This is the best function it can offer you because using it for an objective source is simply not going to work out.


2011年8月27日 星期六

What is fasting for Weight Loss - Is it really Work

Fasting for weight loss is known as a way to lose weight quickly and easily, without even having to exercise. The truth is, in nearly all cases, fasting for weight loss is not reliable for the body and it is done by stopping (again, gradually) to use former food but switch it to healthier food. Juice of fruits and smashed vegetables are usually the preference for dieter doing this diet. Fasting for weight loss is a kind of anorexia. However, their body fat analysis typically shows a large percentage of their weight is still fat.

Fasting to weight loss is very popular among women. It is important that it is done in the right way. Fasting for weight loss is apparently a rising fad in the highly-developed world. No doctor I know would mention it. Fasting for weight loss is definitely an effective way to reduce weight. But you must be cautious enough to take up fasting in a healthy direction in order to achieve a healthy weight.

Fasting for weight loss is a unlike game altogether. Most of the weight you lose is only fluids and will return as soon as you return to regular eating. Fasting For Weight Loss is a website providing approach and resources for those who want to lose weight by short term fasting.

Fasting for weight loss is a very common system among dieters. There are various methods of fasting, such as restricting all foods and only drinking certain liquids, restricting some food groups for a period of time, and restricting foods on alternate days. Fasting for weight loss is extremely versatile as you could simply cut your fast short if you had other plans, or an emergency popped up. The great thing is you would still lose fat! Fasting for weight loss is done by many and weight loss is achieved, but it has been pretty much made clear it is not a good way to lose weight.

Juice fasting for weight loss takes both these of issue and swiftly nips them in the bud. Built around the simple way that by flooding your body with abundant quantities of high quality bioavailable nutrition in the form of enzyme rich fruit and vegetable juices, the body's nutritional needs are satisfied and cravings disappear. Juice fasting or any sort of fasting is harmful for pregnant, nursing women or children. And those who will be undergoing or have undergone surgery, should not do a juice fasting. Juice fasting is a method of fasting for detoxification while still getting beneficial nutrients to your body. Fad diets starve the body of nutrients.

Starting a fast is going to be trained with each spiritual and also non-religious people. People today obtain gained stemming from starting a fast founded independently requirements. Start breaking the fast with a small bite, ideally high in fibers and sugars, dades are a perfect food. Followed by two glasses of water.

Eating right and healthy alone will help you reach your weight goals. But exercising on a regular basis will s peed this weight gain. Eat light meals that include raw fruits and vegetables, and small servings of lean protein and brown rice. The intake of extra fiber will help your system continue to move smoothly as you undertake the fast. Eating every few hours makes it harder to workout. Your body will always be digesting and that requires blood.

Eating healthy gives you that extra energy you need to take on the day with zest. At least eight hours of sleep a night guarantee your body is refreshed and ready. Eating vegetables high in fiber should help fill you up. Fruits cleanse while vegetables rejuvenate. Eating small, frequent meals does in fact increase metabolism and it does it for a sustained period of time.Mo Hemsi- About the Author:You can find out more about fasting for weight loss in our weight loss portal store.


2011年8月26日 星期五

Weight Loss Program Reviews for Convenient Weight Loss

If you are on your search to weight loss, know the right weight loss program that is best for you with weight loss program reviews

One of the people trying to lose unwanted fats, lose weight as well as to inhabit a healthy life? If you are, then you must also be one of those seeking for the right and appropriate weight loss program that can help you achieve your goal in losing weight.

Nowadays, the weight loss programs are already in demand as these programs give the aid to the people's desire to lose their weight. They provide the data, advice as well as instructions to the proper weight loss. Because of this, there are merely about a number of weight loss programs you can find out there that it is important that you select wisely and pick one that's right for you. In order to know which of the weight loss programs fits you, just make sure that the one you will prefer is safe, slow and steady. Make sure you are comfortable with the weight loss program you are following and that it really can guide you towards proper weight loss.

Now, if you're trying to search for the appropriate weight loss program for you, try to check out the weight loss program reviews and it will give you more idea. The weight loss program reviews contain the information as well as the background about the certain weight loss program so you can able to get an idea about what the particular weight loss program offers.

To help you look the right weight loss program for you, this site provides you informative and truly dependable weight loss program reviews about the different weight loss programs available such as:

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - offers facts on proper nutrition on the burning of fat, losing of weight and toning up, or building of muscles safely and efficiently.

Combat the Fat - it offers the simple and the easy to understand the 8 magical weight loss rules for you to get r id of the fat quickly.

The Diet Solutions Program - it offers the detailed nutrition manual that teach users regarding on particular principles to be followed to reach their ideal weight, etc.

Eat Stop Eat Diet - offers specific research based process which helps its users to burn the stubborn fat in the belly and naturally increases their fat burning hormones.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - offers web-based form of diet program where you are the one who settles what food for are going to eat based on the ones which are on the list.

Master Cleanse 10 Day Fast - it offers the ways on how you can complete 10 day fast.

Muscle Gaining Secrets - offers the downloadable e-book which shows you the exact way of building lean muscle mass even you never been able to before.

No Nonsense Muscle Building -offers Vince Delmonte's personal mass gaining system that he used to go from skinny to muscle creating celebrity.
Strip that Fat - offers online product that helps users shed extra pounds and decrease their belly fat with easy to follow dieting guide.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - offers a new online weight loss diet program that helps its users to shed their extra pounds in a healthy way.

Truth about Six Pack Abs -offers an online program that aids its users in shedding excess belly fat and acquiring six pack abs in a short period of time.

Turbulence Training - offers a utmost intensity, quick workout that is based on the simple methods of increasing the user's metabolism and burning belly fat.

Warp Speed Fat Loss -offers a diet and exercise program that completely transforms the body, replacing fat with lean mass.

Yes, I know all of these weight loss programs are alluring, but you can get a complete information of these, so obtain the weight loss program reviews for you to have bigger chances in looking the right one for you , click this site http://www.weight-loss-directory.org/.


2011年8月25日 星期四

Weight Loss Program Reviews for Convenient Weight Loss

When on the quest of weight loss, know the appropriate weight loss program which can be best for you through the weight loss program reviews

One of the people trying to lose undesirable fats, lose weight as well as to inhabit a healthy life? If you are, then you are probably searching the right weight loss program which will help you to achieve the goal of losing weight.

Weight loss programs are in need nowadays as these programs give assistance to people who desire to lose weight. They render information, advice, and instructions to proper weight loss. Because of this, these there are number of the weight loss programs that you can search and it is crucial for you to choose wisely so you can pick out the best for you. In order to know which of the weight loss programs fits you, just make sure that the one you will select is safe, slow and steady. See to it that you are likewise comfortable of the weight loss program you come after a nd that it can really direct you towards the proper weight loss.

Now, if you're trying to look for the appropriate weight loss program for you, try to check out the weight loss program reviews and it will yield you more idea. Weight loss program reviews has information and the background involving on certain weight loss program resulting for you to possess an idea about what that particular weight loss program offers.

To help you find the right weight loss program for you, this website provides you informative and truly reliable weight loss program reviews about the different weight loss programs available such as:

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle- it offers facts on the right nutrition of burning fat, losing the weight and the toning up or the building muscles safely and effectively.

Combat the Fat - it offers the simple and the easy to understand the 8 magical weight loss rules for you to get rid of the fat quickly.

The Di et Solutions Program - it offers the detailed nutrition manual that instruct users relating on particular principles to be followed to reach their ideal weight, etc.

Eat Stop Eat Diet - it offers the scientific research which is based on the process that helps its users of burning stubborn fat in belly and naturally modifies the fat burning hormones.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots -extends a web-based diet program where you decide what foods to eat or not eat based from the ones available on the list.

Master Cleanse 10 Day Fast - it offers the ways on how you can fill up 10 day fast.

Muscle Gaining Secrets - offers the downloadable e-book which shows you the exact way of building lean muscle mass even you never been able to before.

No Nonsense Muscle Building - extends the Vince Delmonte's personal mass of gaining system which he utilized to go from the skinny to the muscle building celebrity.
Strip that Fat - offers online pro duct that aids users shed extra pounds and decrease their belly fat with easy to follow dieting guide.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - offers the new online weight loss diet program that helps users shed extra pounds in a healthy fashion.

Truth about Six Pack Abs - offers online program which assists its users in shedding excess belly fat and getting the six pack of abs in a short period of time.

Turbulence Training - has the high intensity, quick work out that is based on simple methods of the increasing user's metabolism and burning belly fat.

Warp Speed Fat Loss -offers a diet and exercise program that completely transforms the body, replacing fat with lean mass.

Yes, I acknowledge they are all tempting weight loss programs, alright, but if you really want to get complete information and get weight loss program reviews for bigger chances of finding the right one for you, just visit this site now: http:// www.weight-loss-directory.org/


2011年8月24日 星期三

Simple Quick Weight Loss Tips - Comfortable Weight loss Procedures

Weight loss simply means a process through which an individual loses weigh. This can be a very tough process especially if the person in question has no idea on the weight loss process. CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW THE BEST WEIGHT LOSS TIPS. It's a big problem living with many people all over the world and most of the people living with this problem are afraid to admit and seek expert help either due to embarrassment or simply because they thing the weight loss process will be to tough for them. I was in this situation my self in the past, I was so overweight that if any one would ask me about my weight or my body I would start to avoid them completely and I would feel so embarrassed about the whole situation.

Did you know that if you do not loose weight you can develop various types of complications and diseases in your body? In my case, I had big problems with my joints to a point where I had to go for bed rest due to this excruciating pain in the joints after any physical activity including simple activities like walking. It was so humiliating for me to go through this humiliating experience at the age of twenty one when I was supposed to be energetic and vibrant. I also had breathing difficulties and had to carry an inhaler wherever I went. These Kinds of complications may vary with different people and therefore it's important for you to realize that being overweight can be lethal to your body since it can even cause heart attack and death and its is therefore important to loose weight.

The most affected part of any overweight individual is their social life, I was personally affected with my overweight condition so seriously to a point were I started contemplating suicide, people mocked me everywhere I went, kids would stop playing and stare at me in shock I looked funny and silly at the same time and I hated my self for that, it was not funny at all and therefore I locked my self indoors When I could not bear it anymore, I had no friends no girlfriends and I did not want anyone to see me under any circumstances and this caused me to go into deeper depression. One day I came across this awesome weight loss website. CLICK HERE TO KNOW the best weigh loss tricks.


2011年8月23日 星期二

Guaranteed Weight Loss Tricks – Easy Weight Loss Tips – Simple Weightloss Tricks To Enable You Loose That Stubborn Belly Fat

Weight loss testimonial: Hi my name is Edward and I lived a miserable life since I was thirteen years old when our family was torn apart by the divorce of my parents. The fact that I was no longer going to live with my Father again drove me into serious depression; I could no longer concentrate in my studies in school, I cold no longer see the value of live and I even contemplated suicide. My mum was always by my side to encourage me and my seven year old sister but that was not enough, the question I always asked her is why she had to separate with my Dad, the question I slept with and woke up with every single day.

This state of mental stress and depression caused me to gain a lot of weight since I was living in denial and the only way I would feel better was through eating, until I got to a point where all I could think about is food and the more I eat the more I gained weight. The situation was serious because I gained over sixty pounds in five months without me noticing it, my grades in school went from bad to worse to a point where my teachers became concerned and I had to be taken for counseling and physical fitness classes immediately.

Easy Weight Loss Blog:

As time went by the counseling and physical fitness classes did not bear much fruit because by the time I was eighteen weighing one hundred and ten pounds and at this point even walking almost became impossible. This affected my life in every way, I lost most of my friends and became the laughing stalk even little children teased me because it was evident I was unable to chase them, I could not get a date because girls could only stare at me in terror, at this point the solution was to stay away from people and be by my self, I had to find a solution, I tried weight loss pills, physical fitness exercises, green products, professional counseling but nothing on earth was working for me.

One morning while I was browsing the internet I came across this Easy Weight Loss Blog advert and I decided to go through it and see weather I could found something beneficial in it for me and wow it was amazing, In the blog there was a link to an awesome Weight loss website, In this site I learned Easy weight loss tips and weight loss tricks that enabled me to loose weight and body fat dramatically, I was loosing an average of twenty to twenty five pounds a month.

The Weight loss program literary changed my life, I now have a lean healthy body and my social life has improved greatly and this is the reason I have taken time to give you my story and if you are currently in the situation I was in, then know that there is still hope its not the end of the world for you, I have referred some of my friends to this site and it is just amazing. This is why I am telling people about this product because I have been in that horrible situation and I know how it feels. Please click this Weight loss link and get Guaranteed Weight Loss, Easy Weight Loss Tips, Simple Weightloss Tricks To Enable You Loose That Stubborn Belly Fat.


2011年8月22日 星期一

Simple Weight-Loss Tips - Easy "Weight loss" Strategies - Delicious Foods That Help You LOOSE WEIGHT !

Weight�Loss:- Did you know that by eating TONS of full fat foods like whole eggs, meats, full-fat milk, butter, any and all nuts, avocados, and more delicious foods can actually help you to LOOSE WEIGHT and actually help you get leaner and healthy. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW�Currently the internet is saturated with lots of "weight-loss" scams that end up misleading people with genuine need for weight loss, I have been there before I was obese and frustrated I have been scammed in the past and I do not want anyone who is currently in the situation I was in be scammed, this is the reason I have taken my time to write this article to help people loose weight with a guaranteed weight loss program.

Yes there are genuine products out there that can help you loose weigh, like workouts, dieting, cycling and many other challenging methods and most people start out with these methods, I was one of them, I weighed over ninety pounds and when I realized it I started attending gym for weight-loss workouts but this was not helping me because of other commitments and work so I decided to try out dieting but still it was not working for me since I was not always at home due to the nature of my job and therefore I was unable to follow the diet plan. I struggled looking for ways to loose weight for about three and a half years while gaining more weight until I discovered this site one the internet which I am going to give you the link at the end of this article. This site changed my life, I just signed up as a member and started following the simple instructions and some weird interesting tricks and without me realizing I had began to loose weight, I lost ten pounds in the first one month.

In this site you will learn easy and exiting methods you have never heard of, and the most exiting part of it all is that you will not have to stop eating your favorite foods. Do you know that it's not the kind of food you eat that makes you gain weight but only HOW you take it. It's amazing and that's the reason I have decided to spread the message about this website site and its products in order to benefit as many people as possible to help in weight loss. I have been in this weight-loss program for only five months without any kind of workouts, dieting or weigh loss medicine and my weight is now fifty five pounds. It's easy, all you need is a little commitment and no matter what your weight is now you are guaranteed to loose it. (Weight-loss program) CLICK HERE to discover Simple Weight-Loss Tips, Easy "Weight loss" Strategies, Delicious Foods That Help You LOOSE WEIGHT.


2011年8月21日 星期日

Weight Loss Diet Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, the Kapha Dosha (humour) is primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and therefore reducing Kapaha is the key to a successful weight loss program. Below you will find some effective tips from ayurveda to help reduce Kapha Dosha and thus battle obesity and being overweight.

Of the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in this article I will cover the Physical Dimension which is most important for the reduction of Kapha and the correlating reduction in weight.

Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda:

1. Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss:

Obviously an anti-kapha diet is the place to start when looking to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.

2. Exercise for Weight Loss:

The following Ayurvedic guidelines should be followed for proper exercise with regard to weight loss:

* More Exercise the Better: Kapha\'s qualities of fixed, dull, heavy, soft and cold are all negated via exercise. In other words, the more exercise you do the more you reduce Kapha and therefore fat in your body.

* Exercise Without Excessive Strain: According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need the most vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should never be extreme. Find a good balance between doing too little and over doing it. Breaking a nice sweat is good, but being totally breathless is probably too much.

* Be Consistent: A Kapha body type has a propensity towards weight gain so you need to make exercise a daily part of you life. The hardest part will be to get the exercise program underway. Once this is done Kapha people tend to be very determined and steady, so they will be able to adhere to it long term. Getting started though is another matter for Kapha types and usually requires shock treatment. In the spirit of shock treatment, unde rstand that by NOT exercising and NOT losing the weight you are putting your longevity and quality of life at risk. Enough said, start today!

* Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga offers an excellent way to include holistic exercises into your fitness program. These exercises will not just help you lose weight, but will also help your overall health and well-being.

* Post Exercise Diet: After exercises do not drink cold liquids. This period is key as you are trying to increase the metabolic fire in your cells so they burn more calories and drinking cold liquids at this time will negate this important benefit which exercise bestows.

3. Hard Physical Work to Burn Calories:

According to Ayurveda reduction of Kapha is promoted by living a physical, active lifestyle. In today\'s age of technology, computers, TVs, TiVO, internet, etc, manual labor is getting more rare for people to do. So you need to consciously incorporate physical work into your life. Whether that be mowing the lawn, tending to the garden or shoveling snow, it is important to not live a sedentary live of watching TV and eating twinkies.

4. Massage Therapy to Reduce Fat:

There are many treatment modalities in Ayurveda of which massage is highly recommended. In the context of weight loss and reducing Kapha, strong massage with light oils such as mustard or flaxseed is helpful.

5. Sleep Guidelines for Weight Loss:

No napping or going to bed early. If you want to reduce Kapha and weight remember you burn more calories when you are awake and being active, than when you are happily snuggled under the blanket.

The above recommendations will surely help you with your weight loss goals and in addition to helping you get slim, they will also make you more healthy and fit.


2011年8月20日 星期六

Easy Weight-Loss - Weight Loss Tricks - Weight Loss Tips

Are you struggling to loose Weight? If you are then you are not alone, Millions of people all over the world are in the Weight-Loss struggle and it is not easy for most of them. I have been in the over weight situation and this is the major reason why I have decided to write this article in order to help those who are in the same situation I was in. Yes it is possible to loose weight no matter how heavy you are.CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW-EASY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS.

After you have previewed the easy weight loss tips, you will discover very simple tricks that will enable you loose weight easily and comfortably. Did you know that eating TONS of full fat foods like whole eggs, meats, full-fat milk, butter, any and all nuts, avocados, and more delicious foods can actually help you LOOSE WEIGHT, NO SCAMS, this program has enabled me loose 55 pounds in the past five months without any kind of weight loss dieting and workouts. I am so exited and this is the reason I have decided let people know about easy weight loss tips

Did you know that being overweight brings along with it many other complications like heart diseases and even heart attack? When the body becomes saturated with excess fat it becomes difficult for it to function normally and therefore your body starts to develop different kinds of complications. If you do some research you are going to find out that there are many ways to "loose weight", there are methods like body exercises, jogging, cycling, dieting, drinking a lot of water daily, herbal treatment and many other tough and challenging methods, I personally tried all the methods but it was tough I ended up loosing a lot of money and gaining more weight until I came across Truth about abs site CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW. Easy Weight-Loss, Weight Loss, "WEIGHT LOSS TIPS"


2011年8月19日 星期五

Keep Fit by Doing Yoga

Yoga�s primary emphasis is upon general well-being. Although yoga has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illnesses. Rather, yoga employs a broad holistic approach that focuses on teaching people a new lifestyle, way of thinking, and way of being in the world. In the process, however, it is also found to bring a myriad of healing effects. By attending to practices for improving, regaining or retaining general good health, a person is likely to find that some of his more specific difficulties tend to disappear. Many of the healing effects of yoga is clinically verified. We will look at the healing effects of yoga. However, one of the most important benefit of yoga is its application in relieving stress, fatigue, invigoration and vitality and its anti-aging properties and its application for relaxation therapy.

According to Swami Sivananda, the benefits of pranayama (yogic breathing practices) include: �The body becomes strong and healthy. Too much fat is reduced. There is luster in the face. Eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. Voice becomes sweet and melodious�

Indra Devi, author of many books on yoga suggests that with yoga: �You will be able to enjoy better sleep, a happier disposition, a clearer and calmer mind. You will learn how to build up your health and protect yourself against colds, fevers, constipation, headaches, fatigue, and other troubles. You will know what to do in order to remain youthful, vital and alert, regardless of your calendar-age; how to lose or gain weight; how to get rid of premature wrinkles, and keep a smooth skin and clear complexion.�
Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress and improving your mental and physical well-being. Will it help you lose weight, though?

Answer: Practicing any type of yoga will build strength, but some types may not raise your heart rate enough to make them the only form of exercise you need to include in your weight loss regime. It depends on the type of yoga you select and how frequently you practice it.
In order to lose weight, you must eat healthily and burn calories by doing exercise that raises your heart rate on a regular basis. Some types of yoga, such as Iyengar, in which yoga poses are held for several minutes with a resting period between each pose, will build muscles and improve your posture, but will not give you the cardiovascular workout you need to lose weight.

If you plan to make yoga your primary form of exercise, you must do a vigorous 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Many people also choose to combine yoga with running, walking or other aerobic exercise in order to reach their weight loss goals.
Ashtanga Yoga is a very vigorous style of practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis, and beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Another advantage is that once you learn the poses, Ashtanga Yoga is ideal for home practitioners.

Power Yoga:
Power Yoga is extremely popular, because it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout.

Hot Yoga:
Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing

Yoga�s primary emphasis is upon general well-being. Although yoga has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illnesses. Rather, yoga employs a broad holistic approach that focuses on teaching people a new lifestyle, way of thinking, and way of being in the world. In the process, however, it is also found to bring a myriad of healing effects. By attending to practices for improving, regaining or retaining general good health, a person is likely to find that some of his more specific difficulties tend to disappear. Many of the healing effects of yoga is clinically verified. We will look at the healing effects of yoga. However, one of the most important benefit of yoga is its application in relieving stress, fatigue, invigoration and vitality and its anti-aging properties and its application for relaxation therapy.

According to Swami Sivananda, the benefits of pranayama (yogic breathing practices) include: �The body becomes strong and healthy. Too much fat is reduced. There is luster in the face. Eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. Voice becomes sweet and melodious�

Indra Devi, author of many books on yoga suggests that with yoga: �You will be able to enjoy better sleep, a happier disposition, a clearer and calmer mind. You will learn how to build up your health and protect yourself against colds, fevers, constipation, headaches, fatigue, and other troubles. You will know what to do in order to remain youthful, vital and alert, regardless of your calendar-age; how to lose or gain weight; how to get rid of premature wrinkles, and keep a smooth skin and clear complexion.�
Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress and improving your mental and physical well-being. Will it help you lose weight, though?

Answer: Practicing any type of yoga will build strength, but some types may not raise your heart rate enough to make them the only form of exercise you need to include in your weight loss regime. It depends on the type of yoga you select and how frequently you practice it.
In order to lose weight, you must eat healthily and burn calories by doing exercise that raises your heart rate on a regular basis. Some types of yoga, such as Iyengar, in which yoga poses are held for several minutes with a resting period between each pose, will build muscles and improve your posture, but will not give you the cardiovascular workout you need to lose weight.

If you plan to make yoga your primary form of exercise, you must do a vigorous 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Many people also choose to combine yoga with running, walking or other aerobic exercise in order to reach their weight loss goals.
Ashtanga Yoga is a very vigorous style of practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis, and beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Another advantage is that once you learn the poses, Ashtanga Yoga is ideal for home practitioners.

Power Yoga:
Power Yoga is extremely popular, because it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout.

Hot Yoga:
Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing

Yoga�s primary emphasis is upon general well-being. Although yoga has been shown to be beneficial in a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illnesses. Rather, yoga employs a broad holistic approach that focuses on teaching people a new lifestyle, way of thinking, and way of being in the world. In the process, however, it is also found to bring a myriad of healing effects. By attending to practices for improving, regaining or retaining general good health, a person is likely to find that some of his more specific difficulties tend to disappear. Many of the healing effects of yoga is clinically verified. We will look at the healing effects of yoga. However, one of the most important benefit of yoga is its application in relieving stress, fatigue, invigoration and vitality and its anti-aging properties and its application for relaxation therapy.

According to Swami Sivananda, the benefits of pranayama (yogic breathing practices) include: �The body becomes strong and healthy. Too much fat is reduced. There is luster in the face. Eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. Voice becomes sweet and melodious�

Indra Devi, author of many books on yoga suggests that with yoga: �You will be able to enjoy better sleep, a happier disposition, a clearer and calmer mind. You will learn how to build up your health and protect yourself against colds, fevers, constipation, headaches, fatigue, and other troubles. You will know what to do in order to remain youthful, vital and alert, regardless of your calendar-age; how to lose or gain weight; how to get rid of premature wrinkles, and keep a smooth skin and clear complexion.�
Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress and improving your mental and physical well-being. Will it help you lose weight, though?

Answer: Practicing any type of yoga will build strength, but some types may not raise your heart rate enough to make them the only form of exercise you need to include in your weight loss regime. It depends on the type of yoga you select and how frequently you practice it.
In order to lose weight, you must eat healthily and burn calories by doing exercise that raises your heart rate on a regular basis. Some types of yoga, such as Iyengar, in which yoga poses are held for several minutes with a resting period between each pose, will build muscles and improve your posture, but will not give you the cardiovascular workout you need to lose weight.

If you plan to make yoga your primary form of exercise, you must do a vigorous 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Many people also choose to combine yoga with running, walking or other aerobic exercise in order to reach their weight loss goals.
Ashtanga Yoga is a very vigorous style of practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis, and beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Another advantage is that once you learn the poses, Ashtanga Yoga is ideal for home practitioners.

Power Yoga:
Power Yoga is extremely popular, because it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout.

Hot Yoga:
Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing you�ll sweat buckets.

Keep in mind that if you are just starting to do yoga or are quite out of shape, always choose a beginner-level class.

Yoga Workouts at Home
Keep yourself exercising by doing yoga at home on the days you can�t make a class. Follow along with a video or audio recording, if you are new to yoga. When you are ready to plan your own workouts, use these yoga sequencing ideas to help you come up with yoga sessions of varying lengths that suit your needs.


2011年8月18日 星期四

Treadmill Weight Loss: 5 Ways a Treadmill Can Help You to Lose Weight

Treadmills are the most popular exercise equipment at the gym and for home exercising; this is because treadmills offer the best way to lose weight than any other form of exercise. Exercise is the only way to lose weight and sculpt a better body, but what happens if you do not like to work out?

Being bored

Becoming bored and not wanting to go to the gym to work out with muscle bound men and too skimpily dressed women can be a problem and an obstacle to getting a great workout and losing the weight you want.

Rather than going to a gym, getting a treadmill for home use is often a better choice.
This way you are in the comfort of your own home and you can even forget you are exercising. After all, you can set it up in front of the television and watch your favorite shows. You will soon see than an entire hour can pass without even noticing it.

Many treadmills have a rack you can put a magazine or book on, so you can read whil e exercising. Try using an incline on the treadmill (which can really give you a great workout) while reading a novel. The more you enjoy your workout, the more you will workout and forget you are exercising in the first place.

Treadmills Offer Versatility

Those funky fly by night gadgets they sell on infomercials only allow you to do one thing, whatever it is they were designed for. Most of them are repetitive and your body will adapt to the workout you are performing, allowing you to burn less calories in the long run. A treadmill machine on the other hand, offers versatility that allows your body to continue to burn calories.

If you are just starting your treadmill exercise program. The treadmill allows you to start slow by walking then allows you the opportunity to speed up as you gradually get fitter and more able to. If you are training for a marathon, it allows you to run at a consistent speed for long periods and builds in stamin a and speed..

The treadmill allows you to either power walk or even get a nice steady jog, they can even allow you to walk uphill. If you add hand weights to your weight loss exercise, you can build your upper body strength as well.

Point is there are many ways you can use a treadmill for weight loss, these include:

Treadmills help you burn calories more

A new study has found that consumers have been overpaying for their gym memberships. The study finds that most people will overestimate how often they will use their gym services and do not visit the gym often enough to really make the membership make sense.

The reason could be that they simply do not have the time to go to the gym and this is where a treadmill machine will come in handy. This will increase your workout frequency and work out time. Experts say that two 15 minute exercises give the same benefits as one 30 minute one. A treadmill lets you separate your workou ts into smaller ones that will allow you to burn just as many calories.

Home treadmills allow you to work out at your convenience and pace all year round

The convenience -This is the most important advantage to getting an at home treadmill for weight loss. If you live in a northern climate where the winter is pretty cold and snowy or even in the rain, exercise is the last thing on your mind.

A home treadmill allows you to continue with your exercise program in the comfort of your own home, regardless of the weather. Also, you can wear whatever clothing you wish and be comfortable.

Using your leg muscles burns more fat

Contrary to many reports the new claims are that a gentle walk is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. The reason is, gentle walking allows the body to directly use the fat stores in the body for energy instead of using the sugar stores which the body uses for quick energy.

Al so there has been a study saying that the treadmill is ranked #1 for cardiovascular machine for losing weight and burning calories. Working the larger muscles in your legs burns more calories which in turn makes you lose weight. You can increase these calories burned by walking on an incline.

Given the benefit treadmills provide it�s no wonder sales continue to rise with more people starting at home exercise regimes. Losing weight and toning the body can be made easier and more fun by having a treadmill; after all it can help you achieve your weight loss goals!


2011年8月17日 星期三

Weight loss Pills : Do they really work ?

If this is a question that concerns you, you aren't alone. On any given day while seeing health magazines, billboards, television commercials or by visiting health clubs it appears that the dieting industry could turn fat people into thin people. Americans spend over 60 million dollars a year on weight loss products and programs. Advertisements offering a glimpse at the instant results of weight loss products show pictures of very large people that had "pilled" their way into becoming thin and small and yet America is still considered to be the fattest country in the world. Therefore it's normal to be skeptical about weight loss pills.

Weight control is an issue that is prevalent in our modern times of over-production of food. From increased productivity of animal farming to efficient ways to harvest crops we have gone far from our ancestors in satisfying our hunger. In recent statistics, the US obese population has doubled from the year 1990. The fact that the issue of weight control has reached epidemic proportions is something to be concerned about. Currently there are over a billion people who are overweight and a third of a billion who are obese. Therefore is it any wonder why the isles of health food stores, drugstores, pharmacies, convenient stores, grocery stores and even online stores all carry various weight loss pills to point towards a solution to the epidemic at hand.

Weight loss pills incorporate different methods of losing weight ranging from appetite suppressing, carb blocking and fat blocking to fat burning and metabolism boosting. While each has their own weight loss properties when they go to work inside the body, you must also be cautious about their side effects.

For example, Ephedra is an appetite suppressant and is an ingredient in many weight loss pills that was under speculation some years ago and is now banned in some countries. This ingredient is extracted from a plant which was formerly used in China with the name Ma Huang as a way to treat hay fever and asthma. When Ephedra was used in dietary supplements it had been linked to high blood pressures, serious side-effects and even death. The alkaloid extract of Ephedra is Ephedrine (e-fed'rin) and is a similar compound to amphetamine that has powerful but potentially lethal effects on the central nervous system and heart. Knowing this, many companies have now opted to offer ephedrine-free pills.

Losing weight with pills that contain ingredients to suppress ones appetite can be effective for the short term. The result of suppressing the appetite for weight loss is that one eats less and so the body is given more time to dispose of the extra stored fat. However by eating less the body slows down and it will take some time to dispose all the extra fat. Apart from losing weight, the only down fall is that one might gain it back by discontinuing the pill and restoring the appetite.

Carb blockers however work in a different way. The premise is that the extra stored fat could be eliminated if carbohydrates aren't given a chance to metabolize into fat in the first place and that is what these pills do. Although the success of carb blockers for weight loss could be experienced short term there aren't any medical and research backing that say it might work for the long term. Phaselous vulgaris is a critical ingredient for carb blockers. According to manufacturers, 1000 mg or Phaselous Vulgaris Extract will block up to 50 mg of carbohydrates. However promising the effects might seem for weight reduction, lack of carbohydrates might be bad.

Fat blockers on the other hand, contain ingredients like Opunita ficus-indica or Chitosan. These ingredients help to remove some of the dietary fats from the body before being absorbed. It is worth noting that from all the dietary fat only a small portion of this fat will be removed. Hence just because one is taking a fat blocker does not mean that the person can eat as much fat as he or she likes. Fat blockers are only an effective means to weight loss.

Fat burners are the most common types of weight loss pills. The way a fat burner works is that it increases the body's metabolism and promotes the burning of store body fat with stimulants. Some of those fat burners comprise of large amounts of stimulants which might cause one to feel jittery, anxious and other unpleasant feelings. The benefit of fat burners is that it suppresses your appetite and increases energy levels.

Metabolism boosters also known as thermogenics are a different method from the above for weight loss. Basically these supplements contain sufficient amounts chemicals to make your body work harder and further burn more calories. These supplements tend to stimulate the nervous system and can give one excellent weight loss results. Studies have shown that thermogenics to effectively reduce fat if the pills are taken for four to five weeks. Since those supplements primarily increase your heart rate there has been several reports of heart attacks.

Based on this, we can see that there are several ways to approach the issue of weight control with their own advantages and disadvantages depending largely on the person and his or her circumstances. By using various ingredients, companies have managed to understand how weight can be controlled. The question then becomes a matter of choice.


2011年8月16日 星期二

Fastest Weight Loss Pill - Get a Slim Body in a Week

Getting rid of weight is not easy and can be one of the most difficult thing to achieve. Most people get disheartened when they fail to achieve any sort of results either with dieting or with other methods like exercise etc., If you too find it hard to lose weight, then you can consider weight loss pills to lose weight quick and fast. Weight loss pills have come off age. No longer do you have to depend upon pills that can have some serious side effects. Age and time of pills like ephedra etc., is over. Some safe and highly effective pills have come up which are completely natural and are backed with enough clinical evidence to suggest their efficacy in ensuring safe and natural weight loss and that too without any kind of side effects.

Fastest Weight Loss Pill

Multiple kinds of slimming pills are available online as well as offline. Some of them include fat burners, appetite suppressants, fat blockers, fat binders, carb blockers etc., Fat burners are extremely popular and are perhaps the most common of all kinds of slimming pills. They can speed up fat burning in your body by increasing your metabolic rate. One of the most effective natural fat burner is capsicum extract. Capsicum helps increase your metabolic rate by increasing your body temperature. Appetite suppressants help reduce food cravings and hunger pangs. One of the most effective appetite suppressants is a cactus extract that makes you feel fuller when you are not resulting in reduced food intake. This ensures that you eat far less than what your normally do.

Carb blockers, on the other hand, prevent absorption of dietary carbs in your body which are passed out naturally. Though all such categories of pills can help you lose weight quick and fast. However, the fastest weight loss pill can ensure all the above functions. What it means is that a single pill can perform that task of a fat burner, appetite suppressant and a carb blocker. This can ensure quick and fast weight loss. Since such a pill is 100% natural, it does not have any side effects at all. Some of the ingredients used in such a pill include prickly pear extract, capsicum extract, brown seaweed extract, cactus extract etc., No wonder, such a pills is selling like hot cakes.

The increasing number of men and women desiring to lose excess weight have turned to weight loss pills in achieving their ideal weight. One reason why this product is the top choice for consumers is the fact that it does not require exercise, easy to use, and relatively more affordable than surgery.

But are weight loss pills really as effective as they are advertised? This is a question that concerns anyone wanting to eliminate any excess fat or weight off their body. It is completely normal to be skeptical about it knowing that this is one of the most common weight loss products in the market.

The ability to enjoy effective results with taking weight loss pills depend on the ingredients and formula of the pill itself. Each pill offer unique method to make you lose weight, such as suppressing the appetite, blocking the fat, boost the metabolism, or increasing fat burning process in the body. It is therefore important to look into the ingredients that make these effects possible inside your body to ensure that you not only lose weight but also prevent harmful side effects.

Weight loss pills that contain ingredients that act as appetite suppressants produce short-term effects. When you eat less, your body is able to burn off the extra stored fat in the body. However, your body will eventually slow down and take more time to burn off those fat. This process could also risk you to gaining back the weight, especially if you have decided to discontinue taking the pill.

On the other hand, weight loss pills that act as fat burners increases your body's metabolic rate. This is considered to be an effective method to shed off excess weight within 5 to 6 weeks. The downside to this product is that it might make you feel anxious, jittery, or increase your heart rate posing you at risk to developing heart attacks.


2011年8月15日 星期一

Two Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Many people don't want to spend long periods of time on weight loss, so they are always on the lookout for fast safe weight loss methods. Losing weight fast has its own advantages, but it also requires caution. Not all methods that promise fast safe weight loss are really helpful; some fast safe weight loss methods are really hazardous for the body. However, losing weight fast is good because it gives you that confidence and motivation of losing weight for good. In this article, we will discuss some natural ways to fast safe weight loss.

If you really want to lose weight fast, there are only two things you need to do: alter your diet and start exercise programs. These are natural remedies and won't cost you anything but they are highly effective methods used by people for fast safe weight loss.

Have your breakfast in the morning, and don't eat a large meal at dinner time. Instead, eat smaller meals throughout the day. Spread your small meals throughout the da y with a gap of two or three hours between each meal. This will help increase your metabolism. However it is advisable not to make the gaps between each meal too long, because even a five-six hour gap between two meals can decrease your metabolism. Not only do you need to break your large meals into smaller meals, you also need to alter your diet and eat only those foods which will help increase your metabolism. Try to include more protein, whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits in your diet.

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Try not to get tempted to eat junk and fast food, as they are known to increase a person's weight by leaps and bounds. You should only eat food that is low on calorie, like vegetables and fruits. Buy a lot of fruits and vegetables and stock them at your home, so that you don't feel tempted to eat fast food whenever you feel hungry. You can do even better by planning your diet for a whole week and choosing to eat only low-f at products that will help you towards fast safe weight loss. If you have a habit of gorging on junk food when at office, then take fruits with you to the office and eat them at the lunch time.

Another method to achieve fast safe weight loss is to include more exercise and workout programs in your daily routine. You also need to change certain habits. If you have been driving to office, try to walk the distance. Also take short morning walks. Try not to use the elevator; instead take the stairs. You can also include a dose of strength training in your exercise program. Strength training will help you build muscles. Do you know what is the connection between building muscles and losing weight? Studies show that each pound of muscle that you gain will help you burn an extra 35 to 50 calories per day. If you can afford to do long term strength training, it will increase your metabolism by as much as 15 percent. In my opinion there is no other alternative to fast safe wei ght loss than doing strength training and exercises.

Above I have given you a few tips that will help you lose weight fast. How much weight you will be able to lose depends entirely up to you. If you work hard, you can lose as much as two pounds of weight each week. AS I said above, strength training is one the best ways to lose weight fast. There are a lot of different strength training workout programs that are proven to help you lose fat while building your muscles at the same time. If you want to know more about such fast safe weight loss workout programs then simply click the link in my resource box below.

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2011年8月14日 星期日

How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week. Tips and effective remedies

How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week. Tips and effective remedies.

To learn how to lose weight fast in a week, you have to define your plan and follow it exactly. These tips and remedies will help you lose weight fast and lose belly in just 7 days.

The first instruction is to take an abundance of water. This works because the water reduces anxiety and therefore the appetite. At the same time, water consumption tones muscles, reduces cholesterol and helps to improve digestion and liver function.

Besides the above, the water cleanses the body and accelerates the metabolic process so that they can burn calories more efficiently. If you weigh about 130 pounds, is expected to take eight glasses of water a day can properly burn calories and lose weight quickly.


Detoxify Your Body To Lose Weight Fast.

Obviously, the mere fact of drinking water is not enough to lose weight fast. It is also necessary to eat properly in order to quantify the decrease in your weight. Some foods that serve as an alternative to lose weight in a week are also useful to detoxify the body of harmful substances. By doing this, the digestive system and liver function at a rate that accelerates the metabolism and burn more calories and fat.
Also, if you eat foods that cleanse your body and are low in calories, you'll not only thinner or you will also have much more energy and you can feel like losing weight fast. Thus, the more energy it is logical to burn more calories and lose weight quickly. So what are the foods that are actually useful to reduce those extra kilos?

Fruit diet toxins Cleaners

Strawberries and raspberries contains elegiac acid, which is an effective substance for the body to remove harmful el ements. The grapes for its part help the proper functioning of the arteries, cranberry facilitates the work of the kidneys, while the consumption of lime is of importance for the operation and cleaning of the liver. All this helps in part to how to lose weight fast and have more energy as it speeds up your body which is very conducive to your goal.

Here you can learn more about the diet of the 11 fruit weight loss in just 5 days.

Ways to burn belly fat

Eat low-fat dairy such as cheese, yogurt or skim milk helps to eliminate fat in the abdominal area, and the consumption of calcium-rich product. A little fiber is also useful to know how to lose weight fast and burn fat quickly, and note that if you eat twice as much fiber you'll feel full while you cleaned your body and burn calories more efficiently.
You also have to practice abdominal exercises and if you want your back in shape, you can try the exercises for buttocks here.
Do not stop hot sauce, if you want to lose weight fast.

If you like hot food, you can consider yourself lucky. Capsaicin, the active ingredient compounds such as chile peppers increases the metabolic rate and increases your ability to burn up to ten percent more calories and thus know how to lose weight fast. Even if you're not a fan of hot meals, since it forces you to inherent spicy foods, a better option would be a good cup of tea.


Excellent Green Tea diet drink itself.

A good drink besides water to supplement your diet can be green tea. 5 cups of green tea a day is a stimulus for the body to burn up to eighty calories per day.

Increased number of meals in smaller portions ...

Note that it is best to eat more times a day in smaller portions. In this way they can burn calories faster while you get away from painful bouts of hunger. Choose fruits such as bananas, apples, cherries, blueberries, melons and watermelons as an alternative to having a goal like losing weight fast. Other foods that help you lose weight are vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, cabbage, beans, spinach, squash, tomatoes, black beans, onion and kale to lower apace.

Best Advice: 7 Tips For Rapid Weight Loss in 2011, click here
Choose high-fiber cereals for your colon and digestive system
Choose breads and cereals like whole wheat rolls and some fiber from oats and barley will give a push to get rid of excess weight. Other helpful foods are the chicken and lean pork chops, salmon and tuna. This helps to combat and lower belly.

Some options for appetizer

A good starter for how to lose weight fast can be a piece of popcorn (no butter of course) and nuts or other seeds, assorted nuts, applesauce, raisins, cookies and granola bars.

Keep your regular schedule for healthy weight loss

When trying to learn how to lose weight fast, it is important that you plan your meal times. Start by driving an agenda where you can write when and what you will eat during the day. If you do this, you can take a kind of diary that will ensure compliance with the diet regardless of how will the thinning of your body.

Do not drink liquids during meals to lose belly

During meals do not consume liquids like water or tea, nor any kind of juice or soda. The idea behind this is to better digestion of food, therefore seeks to have a cup of hot tea about half an hour after eating.

To lose weight quickly choose the "blue food"

A very i nteresting note in regard to how to lose weight fast and some colors influence the perception of what we eat. For example, foods of blue, purple or black are often normally decrease appetite, unlike the red foods that tend to increase. Therefore, I would be very helpful in your efforts to lose weight, if anyone can DISEARTE where food diet gain some shade of blue. Believes that many of the foods we enjoy have a lot to do with the color of food.

Keep your firm plan with a little willpower

The information just given you no doubt will be very useful in your quest for how to lose weight fast. If you are consistent with the program you can have absolute certainty that it is only a matter of time before you start to see results within a week or more in a month later.



2011年8月13日 星期六

How to Lose Weight Fast at Any Age

However, I didn't know that caused my body to go into "survival mode" where it tried to hang on to as much body fat as possible. So yes, there are ways to lose weight quickly other than going hungry. However, many people go about them all wrong. First there is no such thing as a fast weight loss shortcut. You can try a bogus body wrap, sweat suit, etc, but with these all you loose is water weight.

You can also try to use other useless fast weight loss shortcuts like diet pills, herbs, teas, patches, lotions muscle contractors, etc.- but again, all that's going to happen is you're going to waste money and time- time you could be spending losing weight quickly the way it works in reality.

If your skeptical about weight loss shortcuts not working because all the advertising says they do work, just remember this: Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese, while spending over 50 billion dollars annually on weight loss products. So if anythi ng you could buy really made you lose weight fast, would this many people still be overweight?

So what are some fast way to lose weight?

You have to burn off that fat. Nothing else works. Meaning, you have to use more calories that you consume. The faster you burn them off, the faster you will lose weight. It really is that simple. Let me give you an example of super fast weight loss:

Several years ago there was a a cable documentary about a man that lost fourteen pounds in around twelve hours. How? He swam the English Channel. Since he didn't eat while swimming, his body had no choice but to use fat stores for energy. Calories consumed as energy depends on the person and the activity. In his case, around 49,000 calories of energy were consumed from fat in twelve hours.

Now note I'm not saying you should try this. This guy was is really good shape. As a matter of fact, he put those extra pounds on intentionally, be cause he knew fat was going to be needed for energy. I'm just providing an example of how fast weight loss can work in the "real" world.

If you want to lose weight quickly, you can do something similar, just not so extreme. The first thing you need to do is change as many weight gain habits as possible over to weight loss habits. The more habits you change, the faster the weight will be burned off. If you don't have any interest in giving up double cheese supreme pizzas or going running instead of sitting on the sofa- then you're wasting your time. You have to burn off as many calories as you can- while you reduce the calories that are coming in [without going overboard and throwing your body into survival mode].

So don't try to starve yourself and don't go on a special diet. [Dieting is just another useless trap that has been PROVEN not to work. Just eat more foods that fill you up with far fewer calories, like fruits and veggies. To lose weight as fas t, easily, and safely as possible- you need to keep an eye on calorie density. This just means instead of filling up on Big Macs, you fill up on healthy natural fibrous foods like fruits and veggies, along with other natural foods that are low in carbs and high in protein like cold water fish, lean meats, eggs, etc.

Don't go overboard and cut out carbs, your body needs carbs for energy. However, it does NOT need the man made carbs that come in cake, candy, donuts, chips, sodas, energy drinks, etc. You are trying to burn fat for fuel. If you fill up on junk food, your body will NEVER tap into your fat stores for fuel.

So eat natural carbs, just keep an eye on them while you are in fast weight loss mode. Here's my best how to lose weight fast [http://www.how-to-lose-weight-fast.org] tips:

Do not drink colas [even diet] sport drinks, or energy drinks. These are filled with carbs that keep you from tapping into your fat stores. Milk is also loade d with carbs in the form of lactose- a sugar. If you want to drop weight as quickly as possible, stick to water or tea [no coffee].

Eat your natural carbs early in the day. That way you have the entire day to burn them off.

Eat NO carbs after around 6 PM- especially the carbs in junk food- or bread and pasta.

Do some cardio before you go to bed, this way you burn off any left over carbs and don't store them as fat when your metabolism slows way down as you sleep.

Do at least a 20 minute cardio workout first thing in the morning on a empty stomach- or with a very small amount of protein, say 25 grams max. Then wait about an hour before you eat. If you can, don't sit down for that hour. Then eat nothing but protein- like eggs or lean meat- for breakfast. Do you see why this fast fat loss tip works so well? You wake up with no fuel in your system, so when you get active, your body has no choice but to burn fat for fuel.

If you want to make weight loss as fast as possible, let food do the work for you. Eat unprocessed foods and three or four natural snacks a day. When you go to have your main meals, eat bulky and fibrous foods first- like fruits and veggies. This way you get full before you eat too many calories- and the more calories you eat, the more you have to burn off.

Be careful and use your common sense. In my humble opinion, talk to your doctor first. Tell him / her what you have in mind. Your doctor knows your health history better than me, and will able to give you specific advise on how many calories you can safely cut back on- and how much physical activity you can tolerate without hurting yourself.

So yes, there are fast ways to lose weight. However diet products sold by the giant weight loss industry are not one of them. You have to burn off more calories than you consume- nothing else works.

If you read this and just thought "whoa- this sounds lik e a lot of work. I don't know if I can do all this" all I can tell you is this:

It's all in the habits. The more weight gain habits you change over to weight loss habits, the faster you will lose weight.

Sure, I could tell you that I lost 30 pounds in thirty days by using Acai berry, hoodia, a patch, or a colon cleanse.

But that would be a lie.

Gaining control of your weight habits can change your entire life so much, that I'd rather die poor than to lie to you. Know why? Because I know that if you buy a fast weight loss shortcut, it won't work. Then you might give up on losing weight- permanently.

I don't want that to happen.

If you don't like what you just read, bookmark this page and come back when you're ready. I promise seeing your habits as they are and changing them can transform your life and future in ways you can't begin to imagine.

There's no secret lose weight really fast tips, it's all the common sense things that I just told you about- that work in the real world.


2011年8月12日 星期五

Anorexia Nervosa -- Lose Weight Fast But Beware of the Danger Getting Into this Illness

Anorexics suffer from a disorder that causes them to have distorted mental images of their body's causing them to stoop to unhealthy levels to lose weight it very unhealthy and can even be deadly if the anorexic does not get the help that they need.

Everywhere we look, the vision of a beautiful woman always seems to be one who is waif thin. On television or in the movies, any celebrity over a size 2 is considered "fat" and is ridiculed endlessly by the media and other outlets. This kind of thinking has lead to an influx of girls who feel that they need to be thin or die trying. The ideas to lose weight fast like anorexia are popular with teenage girls who think that it is a glamorous way to be skinny, but they do not realize all of the bad things that this disease can cause.

If you are planning to go on a diet to lose weight fast, it is best to eat a healthy, balanced diet. By following a healthy diet of lots of fruits and vegetables, a small amount o f proteins and a small amount of complex carbohydrates each day and getting plenty of exercise, you can lose weight much faster than you think you can. There is no need to jeopardize your health over shedding a few pounds. If you are serious about getting thinner and healthier, you must do it in a healthy way. Yo-yo dieting and following severely restrictive diet plans can cause irreversible damage to your metabolism and the functioning of your organs. In severe cases, this way of losing weight can even cause death.

Before taking such drastic measures to lose weight, look around at other weight loss plans that are much healthier. Losing weight doesn't have to be deadly. There are many safe diet plans out there to choose from that work with your body to burn fat and calories. There is no magic thing that will make the weight disappear. It will take discipline and dedication, but it can be done.

You cannot simply become anorexic just because you think tha t is the way you want to lose weight. Anorexia is not something a person can turn off and on. It is a disorder that requires professional treatments and is not something to take lightly. If you feel like you are fat when you eat, have stopped eating all together, hide your food so that others do not see that you are not eating, vomit after eating, or other signs of anorexia, please tell someone and get professional help immediately.


2011年8月11日 星期四

Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.'s Fun Factor Diet!

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In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off!

P.T. Barnum, who dedicated his life to entertaining the masses, often relied on size-related adjectives to sell his attractions. His posters and announcements were peppered with words like mammoth, extraordinary, colossal, and gargantuan.

Unfortunately, if you're like most of us those words might be used to describe you as well. Americans have an obsession with weight loss and with good reason; the
percentage of overweight people in the United States is doubling every ten years - from 1 in 200 in 1986, to 1 in 50 in 2000. Without some weight loss, pretty soon there won't be enough room for us all on this continent!

We've identified a curious paradox: Americans are obsessed with weight loss and spend billions on it each year, yet 140 million of us are overweight or obese - and that number grows (pun intended) each year. With all that energy and money thrown at it, why can't we experience more weight loss and why do we pack it on in the first place?

Why Do We Gain Weight...and Where is the Weight Loss We Crave?

Let's quickly move beyond simple, though true, solutions. We intellectually "know" that there are only three things necessary for weight loss (outside of a medical condition): eating the correct foods, eating less, and getting more exercise. We "know" these things are true, yet why don't we do them?

The answer is simple and, luckily for you, so is the solution. As you learn the following diet you will realize that with a little willingness and discipline you need never worry about weight loss again. You will come to believe, in short order, that you will have as much weight loss as you desire and you will never gain it back because you will understand how logical and powerful my diet is!

Let's just be honest about it - we love food! Eating is an enjoyable ritual and we commonly use food to reward ourselves because it feels good to eat. Whenever we feel unfulfilled or frustrated (when we need affirmation or esteem) we are naturally drawn to fill that void with food. When we're lacking pleasure in our lives we rely on the eating ritual to make up the difference.

And this formula works; overfilling ourselves with food does fill our emptiness. It works so well that, just like any addict, we become gluttons - regularly overstuffing ourselves and/or eating too much "comfort" food to fill our emotional void. The end result, despite our best intentions, is a constant, steady weight gain because we're using food for a purpose it is not intended - support.

The Solution to Your Weight Loss Problems

The healthful solution I've created to fill your emptiness exists already inside you because you were born with it. Unlike food, this solution fills your void while also fostering lasting and sustainable health, vitality, energy, and fitness. Instead of food, what you need is the natural medicine of humor because humor and fun are the most accessible and constant sources of energy and support known.

Because it is an energy, fun is readily and abundantly in you and around you. Once you learn to find more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life I guarantee you will quickly do away with those excess pounds - and they'll never return. And the best news is...I will teach you exactly how to do this using my Fun Factor Diet.

My Fun Factor Diet is based upon my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, because The Fun Factor delivers you to new heights of health, wellness, and success. Years ago a terminally ill patient, Lisa, taught me about the incredibly powerful natural medicine of humor. I used Lisa's lessons to create my Fun Commandments, eventually molding them into my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, capable of producing health, energy, and vitality that others will envy.

My Fun Factor Diet works because it is based on my Fun Commandments and, thus, enables you to unleash your powerful humor nature on every aspect of your life. As you learn to have more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life, you will rely less and less on food to meet your emotional needs. With the Fun Factor Diet the urge to overeat melts away, along with the excess pounds because you will be using food for its natural purpose - sustenance.

And, as a bonus, since my Fun Factor Diet is based on fun, you will laugh more frequently. Laughter is an excellent form of aerobic exercise; a hearty, belly laugh produces the same physical response as thirty minutes on the Stairmaster. When you laugh it gives your heart and lungs a good work out so...you are burning additional calories just by practicing my unique diet!

The Fun Factor Diet

Step One: Go the Extra Smile

The first strategy of my Fun Factor Diet is to Always Go the Extra Smile. Smiling is a deliberate and controllable behavior that almost always calms inner stress and attracts outward fun. Smiling unleashes the natural medicine of humor anytime and anywhere because it has a profound physical and emotional impact.

The key is to increase your conscious effort to smile constantly, especially when there is nothing in particular to smile about. Before you begin an activity, you remind yourself to smile first; before each conversation, you remind yourself to smile. You'll soon be wearing a genuine smile on your face everywhere you go because the good results you experience will create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And here is the beautifully powerful weight loss secret behind the first Fun Factor Diet strategy: your internal physiology is fooled by your smile. Whether spontaneous or forced, your body thinks you're having fun when you smile, whether you are or not, because smiling activates the pleasure centers of your brain. By smiling you literally become more physically relaxed and enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment and enjoyment.

The amazing benefit of this Fun Factor Diet tactic is that the lessening of your internal agitation decreases your cravings to eat when you're not really hungry. And, as a bonus, your smile attracts more social attention - leaving you less time to stuff yourself because people are mysteriously attracted to you without quite knowing why. By Going the Extra Smile you're well on your way to weight loss by filling your emotional void with fun rather than food!

Step Two: Be Willing to Laugh with Yourself

Step two in my Fun Factor Diet is to Be Willing to Laugh with Yourself. This is not a step of humiliation or self-denigration because those things are definitely not fun; it is a strategy of being willing to take yourself lightly. Easing your harsh expectations you impose on yourself, relaxing some of your self-administered pressure, sets the stage for astounding personal gains (or in your case personal "losses")

At this stage of my Fun Factor Diet, you will make a deliberate effort to take yourself and your expectations less seriously. You will adopt a kindlier stance toward your fears and inconsistencies because you have been much too hard on yourself. The results will be a dramatic lightness (both figuratively and literally) of mind, body, and spirit.

Freed from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, you will be able to relax and have more fun. Things you have dreaded doing in the past will become enjoyable activities because you won't have expectations of perfection. Combined with your commitment to Go the Extra Smile, you will find your use of food to calm and comfort yourself almost extinguished because taking yourself lightly helps you see yourself as, literally, less "heavy."

Step Three: Stay Focused, yet Flexible

The third step in my Fun Factor Diet makes the most dramatic difference in your actual eating habits and provides the mechanics of your weight loss. The employment of my Fun Commandment, Stay Focused, yet Flexible, keeps you grounded in the moment, the here and now, because it challenges you to give 100% attention to what you are doing right now. Staying Focused, yet Flexible provides the dramatic weight loss breakthrough you've been waiting for because your entire paradigm of eating is about to change!

On the Fun Factor Diet you Stay Focused, yet Flexible by not engaging in any other activity while you are eating. Activities that have commonly accompanied your eating are to be shunned while putting food in your mouth - including reading, watching television, or socializing at get-togethers. With the exception of reasonable table conversation, eating becomes a focused activity for you, not connected with any other behavior because you are about to halt the underlying cause of your weight gain.

Once you begin disciplining yourself to separate eating from all the pleasurable and stressful activities with which you have associated it, you will discover a disturbing fact: you will be shocked by how much you've been using food as both a stress reliever and a pleasure enhancer. Your weight loss can be dramatic when you change your use of food from pleasure enhancement and stress relief to simple nourishment. You're ready for this change because, with the first two steps in my diet, you've already begun to fill your emotional and spiritual void with fun rather than food.

This step of my Fun Factor Diet has two primary benefits: you become more acutely aware of your opportunities for fun away from food, which allows you to become even more effective at satisfying your emotional needs with fun, and by eating with full focus you increase the enjoyment and appreciation for your food, which allows you to use food as nourishment rather than pleasure. When you combine having fun apart from food with getting greater enjoyment from the food you are eating, you experience weight loss because you are no longer using it in a contrived and artificial fashion!

Step Four: Practice Wanting What You Have, Rather than Getting What You Want

The final step in my Fun Factor Diet will make your weight loss permanent because it centers you in the unique paradigm of lasting success. My Fun Commandment, Practice Wanting What You Have, Rather Then Getting What You Want, increases your awareness of gratitude because it stops the merry-go-round of always needing "more" to feel satisfied. Ongoing gratitude for what you have has the amazing benefit of making it possible to get and keep more of what you want.

We all make the mistake of taking for granted the things we truly value and focus, instead, on all the things we want that we do not yet possess. This focus makes us desperate and puts conditions on our happiness, because our success never satisfies us and we only wind up needing more. If you ever want to have more fun in your life (as you're going to be doing on my Fun Factor Diet), you begin by counting the blessings you already have because that will make your weight loss, and other achievements, lasting and real.

Becoming adept at this portion of my Fun Factor Diet does two things: it continually reminds you of the many gifts you've already been given and it decreases your appetite for those things you think you want will. Realizing that you have everything you need to be happy today eases the stress of not having everything you want because all the pressure is gone - you're already a success! The end result of this strategy is that you will not feel as empty, resulting in greater weight loss from a lowered desire to fill your void with food.

Filling yourself up with gratitude is not a platitude, so to speak, because it works in real practice. You eat in excess to fill an emotional and/or spiritual void, not because you are hungry; you eat too much to provide yourself with emotional comfort, fulfillment, and reassurance. The strategy of Practicing Wanting What you Have, Rather than Getting What you Want, actually fills this emptiness in a meaningful, lasting manner because your emotional appetite is satisfied by the things that really sustain it!

Smiling fools your body and attracts socially fun attention, Taking Yourself Lightly releases you from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, Staying Focused, yet Flexible teaches you to use food for nourishment rather than fun, and Wanting What you Have allows you to fill your emotional void with fun and gratitude rather than food. There you have it... weight loss from the natural medicine of humor and my Fun Factor Diet!

Welcome to a Life Free from Weight Worries...Start Right Now!

Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to prepare yourself for permanent, painless weight loss.

Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your physical appearance. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your success!

Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're sick of being overweight and are ready for weight loss once and for all!

By the way, in one of his museums, P.T. Barnum found that he was having trouble getting the crowds to leave once they had seen all the attractions. So he devised a clever sign, elaborately lettered to draw as much attention as possible, which read "This Way to the Egress"

Most of the patrons expected to see some bizarre animal that Barnum had collected from one of the far corners of the earth when they followed the sign through the door. What they didn't realize, however, was that "Egress" is simply another word for "Exit." Funny...and true.

Today you begin your "egress" from excess weight and from all your worries surrounding it. Start using my Fun Factor Diet right now!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D., America's Laugh Doctor, teaches people and organizations to be more healthy and successful through the use of fun and humor. A psychiatrist, and the former associate chairperson of the University of Louisville's renowned Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Kuhn now dispenses his prescription for turbo-charging your health, success, and vitality from http://www.natural-humor-medicine.com/EZA1. On his website you will find tons of fun, free ways for you to maximize your sense of humor, and enjoy a life others will envy.