2011年11月30日 星期三

Diets for quick weight loss for women

It is no secret that men and women lose weight differently. Diets for quick weight loss for women need to meet the special needs of women. It discourages me when I watch my male counterparts at the gym lean back against the leg press machine, towel off their face and sigh, "I only lost 4 pounds this week." I'd like to kill them, but it isn't their fault that we women have to work harder to convince our bodies to let go of the fat.

Diets for quick weight loss for women need to take into account that men lose fat faster than women primarily because nature endowed them with a lot more lean muscle mass and lean muscle tissue burns fat. Men develop more lean muscle tissue because of testosterone the male hormone,something that most women do not want to have a lot of.

Lean Muscle Tissue Key To Diets For Quick Weight Loss For Women

It is important to add resistance training to a high protein low calorie diet plan. This combination can result in diets for quick weight loss for women. Using a menu planner and a calorie guide combined with a great exercise program will result in rapid, healthy weight loss.

The hCG Alternative

If you really want rapid sustainable weight loss that is almost a guarantee, then you should try the hCG diet protocol developed by Dr.Simeon in the 1950's. This diet is very strict and somewhat complicated to put into place by yourself. But if you purchase one of the self directed guides it is a snap. My personal opinion is that you should avoid homeopathic hCG drops and opt for the real stuff.

I have personally witnessed friends of mine average 3 quarters to a pound a day loss of pure fat resulting in 20 to 30 pounds of fat lost in a month. It is the best of the diets for quick weight loss for women.

A Close Second

Strip That Fat is an example of the second best of the diets for quick weight loss for women. These types of diets use a fast fat loss phase combined with a steady fat loss phase to keep your body healthy and promote healthy weight loss. Many of these weight loss management sweets come with menu planners, extensive calorie guides, a sharing forum and personal support. And the price is unbelievably low. For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would pay through the nose for the big diet companies when this type of product is available for life for a one time fee.

Which ever way you chose to go, make sure that the diet you chose is one of the diets for quick weight loss for women and that it recognizes womens specific needs for quick, healthy weight loss.


2011年11月29日 星期二

40 Easy Exercise Tips to Help Lose Belly Fat

Start simple.

I mean, the goal of losing 10 pounds can be daunting. So before I share these 40 Simple Ways of trimming up the tummy, hear out an opposing message:

Not a single one of these tips has the power, in itself, to shave inches off your belly. Even when you do a dozen of them every day by the way, they are simple enough to be able to do that you will still not see the inches just disappear. [Fair Warning]

When your saw the word "Easy" in the title of this report, your mind probably told you, "Ha! Who are they joking." Your body yes, your body talks your body has unknowingly told your mind that it's HARD to lose belly fat.

Your (weak) mind just agreed with it. Thus, your initial thought is something like, "Yep, it's NOT EASY to lose belly fat." Yet, you are here because you want to believe it can be done. That is your true (strong) mind. And that is precisely what this list of tips is really about.

That's why every single one of these 40 Tips is ACTUALLY and fantastically easy to do on purpose. Let me tell you why.

Each one contributes not just a weight loss benefit but a mindset benefit. The doing of each one confirms in your mind, as one pebble in a pond, that winning the belly battle is doable. You will develop a healthy mindset with each little exercise. You sense progress in yourself, thus you build momentum and confidence to move your body faster toward the goal.

The word "move" is used with double-meaning. Physically move, of course, is self-evident. Yet more: to mentally move is the vital link here. The fact that you are reading this is proof your mental attitude is now engaged in action.

Each tip contributes not just a weight loss benefit but a mindset benefit. The mental and the physical support each other. Losing belly fat is as much mental as it is physical. Do these exercises. Follow these tips. They can readily fit into your everyday life. Thus, they are effective. By consciously watching your body weight and naturally keeping good health habits, you will improve your mental capacity. As your mental habits improve your physical habits do, too.

Together. The battle over belly fat is won as a joint effort, with the mind and the body cooperating.

So, remember: Start simple. Pick the tips you like. Begin with a few of them. Build your physical AND mental capacities as you go.

Now, let's go lose some belly fat!

40 Easy Exercise Tips to Help Lose Belly Fat:

1. Do short 10-minute workout sessions. Three times a day. Blocking out 30-minutes for aerobic workout seems impossible at first. So, do it in tablets of time. For example, instead of sipping another cup of coffee in the break room at work, take 10 minutes to walk around the block or up and down a few flights of stairs.

2. Join a fitness club with flexible hours. Not one with hours that seemed forced. When others there are slightly more fit than you, you feel challenged to extend yourself more. The key to membership is finding a club which has hours that mesh with yours.

3. Do chores that count for fitness. Burn your calories just by doing everyday chores with vigor. Raking leaves, sweeping the garage, mowing the lawn, washing the car, dusting the house, or running a vacuum, folding laundry. All count as moderate exercise, particularly, if you do them with gusto.

4. Park far away and take the stairs. Skip the elevator. Walk across big parking lots. Just make it a little harder to get where you're going. Make it a fun thing, too. Enjoy the "getting to your destination point." Walk between stores, if possible, when doing errands. Research shows that taking 10,000 steps a day improves physical fitness.

5. Plan a fun weekend activity. Bicycling. Softball. Bowling. Canoeing. Group aerobics class. Hiking with family. Could by by yourself. Could be on a team sport. The key: something you totally enjoy. Mix it up. Carve out time on your weekends to pursue it.

6. Make love to your spouse thrice weekly. An hour of sex can burn 500 calories. Sex is great exercise. It's free and fun, too. It takes energy from both a physical and psychological perspective to do it well. Sex improves cardiovascular health, boosts self-esteem, and helps you sleep better, all needed to maintain a healthy weight.

7. Go outdoors with family. Play catch with your son, weed the garden with your wife. Plan a hike together. Walk the dog. Visit with a neighbor. A way to relax the mind, to warm up relationships, and to do the work of burning off calories.

8. Use social gatherings to initiate activities. Group walks provide peer motivation. Board games stimulate fun and laughter (see #38). Going to coffee shops or shopping together may induce more walking.

9. Make a daily morning routine. Get up 15 minutes earlier. Hydrate yourself right away. Go outside to walk around the block. The cool morning air stimulates your body, and you will find your energy level does not slow down again. You are officially awake and ready for the day.

10. No Dumbbells? Use plastic jugs. Fill them with sand or water for an easy workout. Strength training is an important part of anyone's fitness routine. Ideally, you should work all your major muscle groups at least two days per week. Experiment with the size and fullness of the bottles until you find a weight that's right for you.

11. No Stair-Stepping Machine? Climb stairs. Climb the stairs at home, in apartments, when visiting big buildings. Go up at a quick pace. Try double steps for leg lifting. While walking down, hold the abdomen in.

12. Get a workout partner. Someone to share accountability. A friend raises the excuse bucket. You help motivate each other to keep a regular workout schedule, because you won't want to let down your buddy. You can encourage each other and share tips on what works and what doesn't to make your workouts more effective.

13. Get a resistance band for arm curls, squats. These are long, wide rubber bands. Yo can find them at sporting-goods stores. They are inexpensive, portable, and a great way to add strengthening practice to your home workout. They come in different tensions and are used for many different moves.

14. Do Step-Ups. Step Up aerobics are a great way to burn calories at home. A 200-pound person can burn 333 calories in 15 minutes. Use a household step stool or even a balcony stair. Make sure it is 4-6 inches high and doesn't slip when you step on it.

15. Watch workout videos. Available free online, on Netflix, or from public libraries. Great for motivating yourself in the privacy of your home. You can schedule them on your own time. You get a professionally led, regimented workout, often with high energy music. Very motivational to say the least.

16. When watching TV, do marching or leg lifts during commercial breaks. The good feelings that you get from these small bouts of exercise may encourage you to make room in your day for a longer home-workout routine.

17. Skipping rope. Have high ceilings or driveways. Skipping enhances flexibility while improving your reflexes, balance, and posture. It tones your muscles in arms, legs, and abs. It speeds your heart rate like that of a runner, so it requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.

18. Join a dance group. Square dancing. Ballroom dancing. Salsa. Dancing conditions the body, builds stamina, strengthens and tones legs, relieves stress, helps you release toxins via sweating. Provides cardiovascular conditioning. Physical benefits aside, dancing has a way of brightening up a person's day.

19. Go to a fitness center. Employers know that a fitness center in the workplace can lower health-care costs and stress at work, while at the same time increase productivity and morale. Many excellent centers exist across the country. They give needed structure in a friendly, supportive environment. If you've never been to one, decide to breakthrough, by finding a friend who does for encouragement.

20. Wear headphones while doing exercises. Motivational tapes. Moving music. Energy songs. Though no scientific study outlines the weight loss benefits directly, indirectly it benefits you by keeping your mind up. Words of inspiration and song can uplift your spirit to keep you motivated to keep moving your body.

21. Increase in small increments. Start with a low doable number of sit-ups, say. Do them religiously each day for a week. After a week, add two. Do that amount for a week. Repeat, by adding just a few each new level. 25 weeks later, where will you be? Wow! Think of it. Start at doable. Increase weekly. Thus you grow.

22. Work with a personal trainer. Even a few sessions can be worthwhile. They benefit you by creating a specific exercise routine, giving you proper technique and form, and helping you stay on track to achieve your goals. You get different points of view and new exercises. Though it is a serious commitment of money and time, no less.

23. Take a break from the gym. Go to a tennis court. Pick up your golf clubs. Go swimming at the local pool. Vary your regimen to juice up your motivational muscles. Don't settle for a routine. It will wake up your senses and give you new thoughts.

24. Consume caffeine 45 minutes before your workout. It can make your workouts vigorous, thus burn more calories. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat. It stimulates thermo-genesis, one way your body generates heat from digesting food. Remember though, specialty coffees are high in calories and fat.

25. Take up yoga. Without the calorie-burning power of aerobics, yoga is a phenomenal way to put you in touch with your body. The buzzword is mindfulness. To change your lifestyle, to change the way you think about food, to get over destructive eating patterns, yoga gives spiritual connection to your body to help make those changes.

26. Volunteer. Science backs up the idea that volunteering is good for your own physical and mental health. It's a benefit of helping your community, the environment, or other worthy causes. Couple of ideas: Teach intramural sports for youngsters. They'll get you motivated. Or walk dogs for the animal shelter.

27. Skate weekly. Ice skating or roller-blading is a fabulous full-body movement for legs, buttocks, abdomen, and back. To achieve the best results, skate 3 times per week.

28. Mop the floor. You'll be moving your shoulders and twisting to your waist and abdomen. Work the exercise especially with your side and waist. Some similar movements apply when vacuuming.

29. Knead your belly. Using massage lotion after bathing, make circles on the area of your belly in a clockwise direction going out from the belly button with two fingers, then back inwards counter-clockwise. Knead your belly, while imagining heat inside the belly area. This "chi" actually burns or metabolizes your fat away. Don't laugh.

30. Stand and sit up straight. Perfect posture is important for your health. It can instantly make you look 10 pounds lighter and feel confident. Slouching puts undue strain on your muscles. Keep reminder notes around: "Practice Perfect Posture."

31. Do belly dancing. Okay, alone at first. Your belly button is both sexy and a healthy spot. Do it a favor. Face the mirror for technique. Belly dancing gives you improved posture and muscle toning, maintains flexibility, helps prevent lower back problems, tones and firms arms and shoulders, helps with weight loss, reduces stress.

32. Drink up water. Water increases your metabolism to burn calories 3% faster. Thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. A slight dehydration initiates thirst, which may be mistaken for hunger, causing you to eat when the body is actually craving fluid. Drinking water prevents overeating at meals.

33. Listen to your body. Women, especially, train yourself to go to the bathroom. Don't be so rushed as to ignore your body's signals. If you dismiss them, you prep yourself for bloat-inducing constipation. Adhering to the quiet messages from this profound machine called your body will train you to listen when it tells you enough has been eaten, too.

34. Chew thoroughly. Feel bloated and gassy after eating? When you do not chew your food well, you do not complete digestion, because digestion starts in the mouth not the stomach. When your food is not chewed properly, you do not receive all the nutrients from your food, leaving body cells starved, making you want to eat more.

35. Eat slowly. While you are slowing down, you might find that you learn to stop eating sooner. You might notice that you are full and don't need that extra bite. Besides, you will taste your food, the textures, the flavors, the smells in richer abundance. Eating fast makes you prone to swallow air, which helps develop a potbelly.

36. Give up the gum. Chewing on gum causes your mouth to produce a steady stream of saliva. This is a waste of energy otherwise used for essential metabolic activities. Most chewing gum is sweetened with aspartame. Long term use of aspartame has been linked with diabetes. Chewing also forces you to swallow more air.

37. Take supplements of calcium D-glucarate and B-complex. Both vitamins help you excrete estrogen, the hormone which can lead to a smaller middle. Excess estrogen causes the body to retain fat around the waist.

38. Relax already. Your body under stress produces extra steroids and cortisol, hormones that send fat directly to the midsection. This affects your digestion and causes constipation. Tell yourself that 20 minutes of the day belongs to you alone, and then do something that gets your mind off things and is soothing on the body.

39. Take a walk after lunch. Not immediately. Let the digestive system work first for about thirty minutes. Walking instantly directs your blood to your limbs and not to your stomach. This is not good for digestion. After a short rest, then go for a leisurely stroll. Not only is it good for your health but also keeps you sharp.

40. Laugh. No joke. Laughing increases the heart rate 10 percent to 20 percent. Ten to 15 minutes of laughter could increase energy expenditure by 10 to 40 calories per day, which could translate into about four pounds a year. Watch a comedy sitcom at night. Laughing also tones the transverse abdominus that helps flatten your midriff.

As you know, none of these 40 Tips by themselves will fundamentally change your game to lose belly fat. What they do, however, is help you change your lifestyle one step at a time.

It is a mindset shift that takes place. You still have to learn more, do more, exercise more, and eat better foods. The little things practiced here begin to add up to a momentum of powerful change.

You have already decided that you will feel better, look better, and do more by reading through these tips. Now. Pick one. And do it. It's time to gain a mindset momentum and lose some belly fat.


2011年11月28日 星期一

How To Lose Belly Fat: Can you lose 10 lbs a week?

If you want to lose 10 lbs a week, it will take more than finding the right diet plan. That's the mistake many dieters make. They change their eating habits and seem to be doing everything right, but they don't lose weight.

If they do manage to lose weight, it comes back soon afterwards. Yes, more bellyfat! Whether you want to lose belly fat or 10 lbs once or until you reach a certain weight, a proper weight loss plan must include eating the right foods and getting sufficient exercise and sleep. Sleep is one aspect of losing weight that isn't often talked about, but it is as important as exercise.

Researchers have discovered that two hormones that trigger appetite come into play if we don't get enough sleep. This causes us to overeat and gain weight because our desire for high carbohydrates and rich foods increases. Next time you crave these foods, see whether you've been getting enough sleep.

Another key on how to lose belly fat or lose 10 lbs a week is to eliminate sugar and starch from your diet. They are the first and easy sources of energy that your body uses, which leaves the other food you eat to turn to belly fat. Any sugar that isn't used turns to fat. Believe it or not, deep breathing exercises can also help you to lose weight.

Deep breathing 15 minutes a day will boost the oxygen flow into your body and promote weight loss. To lose 10 lbs in a week, you'll want to incorporate all the natural weight loss methods available to you. You might find pills or fad diets that can get you there, but in most cases, it's not a permanent weight loss.

The pounds will come back and your efforts will have been pointless. The most obvious way to lose 10 lbs in a week is to get rid of the excess water in your system and eat healthful, fat-free foods. Stay away from junk food, high carbohydrates and sugar. With a good diet plan, you will see results quickly.

The first to go is the water that your body has retained. This quick weight loss can be encouraging, but it is not fat loss. That comes next. Incorporate sufficient exercise into your weight loss plan. Simply eating right won't cause you to loses 10 lbs in a week. It takes a combination of exercise, deep breathing exercises, good nutrition, and restful sleep.

Take each of these and apply whatever measures are necessary to get them into balance. If sleep is a problem, try to eliminate stress from your life. One way to do this is with exercise, which will also help you to meet your 10 lbs loss. With a good plan, you can lose weight through water loss and energy consumption.

Expect to lose little in the first few days, but an average of about 1-2 pounds per day thereafter. If you've struggled to get to your desired weight, know that with the right plan applied consistently, you can lose belly fat and 10 lbs in a week.


2011年11月27日 星期日

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

In modern world, we tend to neglect our health by thrusting blame on time factor. The lack of time is usual complain made by people. In all this hustle bustle of life, we neglect healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular light exercise. Saving time has lead to increase in weight gain. In order to save time, people eat fast food, skip walking and opt for driving, dependency on electronic gadgets, and skip exercise to grab some extra nap. But, we do not realize the side effects of these habits. All these habits have led to increase in gaining weight.

Obesity is common problem with all age groups of the society. Increase in weight also welcomes numerous diseases that becomes threatening to healthy life. You may get many weight loss products available in the market but, all these products never guarantee your weight loss. Many health clubs may offer you different weight loss programs. Sometimes it just becomes a way of spending enormous money without getting any desired profit. Before you start any weight loss program, it is very much essential to make your mind. We need to maintain the enthusiasm for our decision throughout the session.

Few people follow the regime for some days and then back to pavilion. You need to have very strong dedication for proper growth and development of our health. Thus, to loose your weight effortlessly you may follow yogic lifestyle. It is a way of life where you learn the most valued principles of life. Dedication, determination, and strong will power are very much important to follow yogic lifestyle. Yoga is way of healthy living. Yoga aims at perfection of mind. A perfect mind is calm and quiet, completely at peace. The basic technique of yoga is meditation. A healthy body with healthy mind can work much better and efficiently. Yoga Poses is primarily a discipline, which catalyses spiritual growth and gives better physical and mental health. Ayurveda has been recommending the path of yoga from long decades. That is now followed by modern medicine.

Yoga is precious tool in mind and body medicine. The right postures, nutritious diet, adequate sleep, meditation, and yogic attitude all are part of yoga lifestyle. The yoga asanas- poses- are very much beneficial to heal numerous ailments. The yoga asanas are an important part of yoga practice. The asanas are most visible part of the yoga practice. Asanas exactly means postures. It can be classified into three different types: meditation, relaxation, and physical exercise. Practicing asanas provide good exercise to all parts of the body. You can overcome many diseases by performing right yoga asanas and following healthy lifestyle. Practicing yoga asanas is the simplest and easiest way to loose weight. The yoga postures that can help in loosing weight are as follows:

Paschimottanasna Uttanasana Virabhadrasana Ardhakapotasana Trikonasana Ardhasarvangasana

2011年11月26日 星期六

3 Simple Exercises To Lose Belly Fat At Home - How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly

I used to be very thin back in university, however, once I started to work in the office, I sit in front of the computer everyday, and as a result, I have a belly. I have started to lose weight by doing some exercises to lose belly fat. I have loss about 10lbs so far, and my belly is slightly flatter now. So, I would like share 3 simple exercises to lose belly fat quickly at home. If you ask me what is the fastest way to lose weight and how to lose abdominal fat, I will surely recommend these 3 simple exercises :

1) Sit Ups

Yes, sit ups. People have been saying that sit ups are useless because you cannot get the maximum effect. However, this is because they have done something wrongly. One major reason if because after doing sit ups, they do not stretch their stomach muscle as well as go for a 15 minute jog or walk. After doing sit ups, it is very easy to lose weight and belly fat by walking or jogging.

2) Leg Raise

Among all the exercises to lose belly fat, I will highly recommend you to do leg raise because it can lose the lower stomach fat. It is very effective when combines with sit ups because sit ups will burn the upper stomach fat while leg raise will help you to lose the lower belly fat.

3) Jogging

As what I have said just now, jogging or walking for about 15-30minutes after doing the above workouts will give you the maximum effect. Walking to lose weight after doing the above workouts is very effective because your body have been stimulated to burn more energy at the stomach and the energy is converted from your belly fat. So, you can lose your belly fat, effectively.

Hope that you can follow the exercises above, it is very easy and only takes less than 1 hour commitment every alternate day. Besides working out, you will also need to have a balanced diet. I will recommend Calorie Shifting diet.

You can find out more about the calorie shifting diet plan and get a Free 7 Days Sample Menu at this Calorie Shifting Diet Plan official website. Combining the exercises to lose belly fat above as well as a balanced diet, with some commitment, you will surely be able to lose belly fat quickly.


2011年11月25日 星期五

Weight loss attitude: How to lose belly fat Quickly

If you an obese individual, then there are millions of people like you who are looking for best ways to lose their belly fat quickly. It is almost near to impossible for such people to cut out that extra fat & losing their ugly belly fat will prove to be a challenge for them. It is still possible to lose weight provided you have a stricter diet plans in place to achieve your goal.

Most of the health gurus have advised us that there a quite a few important factors that play a major role regarding excess fat accumulation in the stomach & belly region. Those include the stress, heredity, proper diet plans & regular work outs to name a few. Stress related belly fat issue is one of the important factor that we should get rid of in order to lose weight altogether. Managing as well as controlling stress has to be taken care of so that we do not suffer from obesity in the long run.

The genetics factor also plays a major role in controlling our belly fat. If you are genetically prone to over weight, then there is a large probability of you having a flabby mid section which you have to shrink it so as to stay slim & healthy. You might not have much success if you are try to lose belly fat quickly only with the help of stomach specific exercises since these exercises will only help you to tone your muscles rather than shrinking belly fat.

How can I Lose Belly fat?

In spite of all these problems, you will still be able to lose your belly fat quickly provided you make stringent changes in your food plans. You should have to opt for lower calorie intake instead of your regular high calorie foods. You have to curtail your drinking habits & use them only on special occasions. Also exercises every day or even some work outs occasionally is a must to get the body that you always dreamt of.

Exercising should be a part of your regular routine when are pretty serious about losing your overall fat rather than targeting one particular area in your body. You have to practice brisk walking, jogging for at least 60 minutes daily during early morning hours to keep that excess fat in the belly region at bay. As discussed targeting only the stomach area to lose your belly fat quickly, we shall not have highly satisfying results. Even sit-ups do not work in reality. You have to lose weight from your entire b ody & in that process; belly fat will be last part of the weight to burn from. Added to this, going for right kind of high protein food like the lean meat, fruits & vegetables as well as consuming 8-10 glasses of water every day will give you desired weight loss.

The last important thing that we have to take care of is the stress factor. In case if you are severely suffering from stress, you can either seek a medical advice or look for any stress management classes or go for yoga to get rid of this problem. Hence exercises for about 60 minutes daily along with right diet plan, you can always get a flat stomach pretty easily.


2011年11月24日 星期四

Slim Fast Diet Plan To Lose Weight Quickly

A slim fast diet plan is what most dieters are looking for. We obviously want to change the way we look and feel about ourselves, but most of us do not want to wait forever to see the results we so desperately want to see. The good news is that there are ways to shed the pounds quickly without killing ourselves with hours of exercise and cutting calories to unsustainable amounts.

It is important to remember that one pound equals 3500 calories. Therefore, to lose one pound on a slim fast diet plan, you must somehow expel 3500 calories from your body, either by diet or by physical activity, or a combination of both. By making small changes in your daily routine, you can easily cut 250-500 calories out of your diet without even noticing that they are even missing. Here are a few ideas of easy ways to cut calories from your diet each day:

* Cutting just one can of soda per day equals 150 calories saved. If you drink a lot of soda, this can mean huge calorie savin gs throughout a day!
* Drinking regular coffee with low-cal sweetener instead of a late saves up to 400 calories.
* Eat meals on a salad plate. You will automatically eat about 15% less than eating on a larger plate.
* Eat Fruit instead of chocolate. The average candy bar has around 150 calories. Substitute a piece of fruit to satisfy that sweet tooth and save 100 calories.

Add a little more activity to your slim fast diet plan and your calories burned can really add up, too. You do not have to work out for hours per day at a gym to see results. By making simple changes in your daily routine can add up at the end of the week:

* Stand while you work for just two hours per day and burn an extra 100 calories.
* Mowing the lawn for just fifteen minutes will also burn an extra 100 calories.
* Vacuuming will not only make your house cleaner, but will burn 100 calories per half hour!
* Other housework will burn about 100 calories per twenty minutes of cleaning.
* Finding a parking spot that is a five minute walk from the door can burn up to 100 extra calories per day if you walk to and from your car just three times!
* Take the stairs for just 15 minutes per day instead of the elevator and calories will melt away!

As you can see, with just a little bit of effort, you can easily delete 250-500 calories per day. It does not take a lot of planning and effort to lose weight on a slim fast diet plan. If you have the desire to lose the weight and get healthy, you will find ways to make better food choices and to fit physical activity into your everyday life. By tweaking your activity level and eating habits ever so slightly, you can quickly lose one to two pounds per week! This type of slim fast diet plan is excellent for people who do not have time to spend their days worrying about what they are going to eat and when they are going to find time for the gym.


2011年11月23日 星期三

Enjoy Mediterranean Diet Plan To Lose Weight and Live Longer!

Do you want to lose weight and love longer? Try Mediterranean diet plan.

This special plan emphasizes the basics of eating healthy like eating lots of fish, vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and incorporates unconventional components such as olive oil and red wine. By adding these variations to a diet that has been proven successful, a person can lose weight and fight heart disease. The Mediterranean diet plan is said to not only be an excellent way to lose weight, but it is supposed to do a great job at drastically reducing your risk of heart disease and some cancers.

Traditional Mediterranean diet plans are chock full of whole grain pastas, brown and wild rice, and other whole grains, including whole grain breads. As many fruits and veggies as possible should also be eaten each day. If meat is eaten, people on the Mediterranean diet mostly eat fish. Very rarely is red meat consumed on this plan. Nuts are also enjoyed in small quantities with this diet, a s nuts are high in good fats and can produce added protein. A small amount of olive or canola oil can also be enjoyed on the Mediterranean diet plan.

The main components of the Mediterranean diet plan are:

* Eating little or no red meat
* Consuming fish at least two or three times per week
* Eating small amounts of nuts each day
* Eating mostly fruits and vegetables every day
* Only eat health fats such as olive oil
* Avoid using salt. Instead flavor your foods using spices and herbs
* Exercise at least 30 minutes per day

The plan puts a lot of emphasis on eating healthy fats. That is why fish is the main meat in this diet. Fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which lower triglycerides, which improve the function of the blood vessels in our bodies. Nuts are also laden with omega-3s, and are encouraged on this diet as well. Just make sure that you are not eating nuts with lots of salt or sprinkled with sugars.

Wine is also allowed on this diet, in moderation, because studies have shown that consuming small amounts of wine on a regular basis may contribute to a reduced risk of heart disease. Typically, no more than 8 ounces of whine should be consumed on a daily basis.

If following the Mediterranean diet plan, you will want to avoid harmful fats such as hydrogenated oils and saturated fats as these are major contributors of heart disease. Red meat is also heavily associated with heart disease and should be cut completely out of the diet or should be limited to very small amounts per week.

Living a lifestyle by following the plan is very healthy and enjoyable. By choosing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, limiting your red meat consumption, eating plenty of fish and small amounts of healthy fats and wine, you can not only lose weight, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.


2011年11月22日 星期二

How To Lose Weight Healthily? Let Me Share Some Tips With You

I can't believe that there are still so many out there who are still thinking that they can really slim down much faster by starving hard. Though it is indeed true that this might get you results initially, if you ask any doctor, they will really prevent you from doing so. Doctors will only be the counsellors of healthier diets. The body will surely be weakened and soon the fats will return. By not eating properly, you will lose your more nourishment than your weight itself.

Do not underestimate the importance of a good night sleep. Sleeping is actually important to aid the burning of unnecessary calories especially in all our problem areas such as the stomach. In fact, those unscientifically proven diets are proliferated due to some female magazines which should be blamed. Those mags or promoters for dieting products or program are simply trying to do your business. Also, some of these diets are not properly designed. Imagine yourself having to eat the same thi ng over and over again.

Once you get hold with a good healthy diet plan, you will find yourself sticking right with it easily once started. All you need to do is to manage your calories consumption by following your diet and combining it with some regular exercise for around half an hour daily. Doing some fast walking around one block and getting enough undisturbed sleep will do so much good for you. Always remember to rest well. Only till now, scientists have been able to start unraveling the importance of sleep. Those with bad sleeping habits tend to gorge on food to compensate. On top of this, one of the worst habits is by eating a lot in the middle of the night probably due to the lack of sleep. This will not only make you grow fat but will also make you unhealthy.

Another part of the keys to losing weight is the psychological aspect which means the self consciousness, attitude, and the motivation you have. You won't be surprised some of them have w orked too hard and depressed themselves so much which result in failure. He must really have great patience in order to stick to the weight losing plan he has. Others would tend to exercise too much or over-exercise and resulted in burning out. This is because they want quick result.

Lastly, to remove your excess fats, the best way is to exercise daily. However, those who are overweight, remember not to try to get results promptly. Some immediate jogging or even swimming might just be the best way to accompany the weight losing program. Just remember that you must never overdo for anything


2011年11月21日 星期一

How Does Phen375 Fat Burners Help You To Lose Weight?

Most of us from time to time have decided that we need to lose a little bit of weight, and we have various reasons why we want to. It could be that the holidays are approaching and you want to get back in shape for the party season. Or maybe you just want to get a head start on getting in shape before the new year, knowing that Christmas is the time when most people tend to put on weight.

While you may have a lot of mental motivation to get on a diet, getting the physical motivation to back it up is not always easy and can often be the reason while your slimming goals fail just as soon as you start. If your body is used to being at rest, it may not like the idea of suddenly taking part in physical workouts and activities. This is where you may really love the idea of adding fat burners to your diet to help kick start your weight loss goals.

We know of fat burners as the things that will help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and that this will hel p you to burn off some extra caloriess. Well, this is true, they will do that and boost some of your weight loss on their own and really give you a much needed kick start to your diet. But they will also help you in other ways motivation and energy for the body.

On the motivation front, you will love the motivation that adding fat burners to your diet gives you. When we start a new diet, we all want to see immediate results and will give us a reason to continue - we want positive results when we step on the scales to weigh ourselves. This is what you will be able to get with fat burners.

While your new healthy diet may be helping you to lose weight, it may not fall off as quickly as you would like with diet alone and being able to give that a little boost with the help of a fat burner like Phen375 may be just what you need to start to see results. Seeing those results will boost your self-esteem and motivate you to keep doing what you are doing to watch that weight melt off.

Another way fat burners can help you out is through energy that they will give you. In addition to eating right, you are supposed to be doing exercise as a part of a healthy diet. Well your body may not always think that's a good idea and you may have some days when you just don't want to put in that extras bit of effort that is needed. This is where fat burners are really great for those of us looking to lose weight. One of their side effects is a boost of energy, as they increase your metabolism that may be enough to get you over the hump and into activity. So why not try some fat burners to help you slim down in a safe way.


2011年11月20日 星期日

Lose Weight with Green Tea

Scientists agree that achieving weight loss while drinking green tea is a reality. With the speed of information traveling faster and faster on the internet, it is actually becoming very hard to separate right facts from wrong rumors.

Still, you will start well in including green tea to your weight loss plan.

The advantages of Green Tea

When someone is trying to sell you an innovative product to lose weight, they actually sell you unprocessed form of tea. Camellia Sinensis is an herb or bush from which green tea is extracted. The whole process of making green tea involves nothing more than steaming the leaves, which preserves its natural ingredients.

The reason why the tea leaves are steamed is to preserve the antioxidant EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate). This is the main ingredient why green tea has so many good properties.

On a side note, only because some teas are also infused in hot water, tea companies are marketing them also as green tea. This is far from reality as just giving the name of tea' to a herb won't mimic green tea's health properties in that herb. Herbal teas have only low health benefits compared to green. Teas extracted from the Camellia Sinensis plant are the only one you can call green tea. Other than losing weight, green tea is associated with resistance against heart diseases or better cardio health.

Green tea weight loss diet and program

Increased metabolism and weight lost are 2 of the most known effects of drinking green tea. The sole reason for these is the antioxidants preserved in green tea. These antioxidants purify blood stream and increase the process of diffusion and transport food and oxygen to body cells through blood. By providing rapidly the body cells with nutrients, the body limits the fat storage and increase the metabolism.

Secret to success

Of course, even if green tea is a great product, it is not a miracle product that will make you lose 20kg per day. Nonetheless, when adding it to a proper diet with exercise, the weight loss results will increase exponentially. Eating healthy is no longer a way of life or a lifelong commitment, it is emerging as a form of art. To reach equilibrium you need good management as well as good knowledge. Motivation added to proper nutrition and sports will contribute to your success in weight loss.

To conlude

Realistically, green tea is not the only element contributing to your weight loss program, but it is a very efficient help. To succeed when losing weight, you need then to include every elements in your program. Green tea alone will only give short term result if not combined with these elements.


2011年11月19日 星期六

Sample Cv Of A Teacher

This is a fascinating and new thing to know and in this article, we will give you a sample diet plan of the Cookie Diet, the other name of this program. If you love munching this food, you will certainly love this article too.

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If you think that eating this food and losing weight is impossible, this doctor will prove you wrong. It will be difficult for most people to believe this because it already sounds absurd to them, but this doctor has convinced the world that this is possible with more than half million people he helped already. Since 1975, this humble doctor gave his patients the sample diet plan of the Cookie Diet and most of them have lost significant pounds with it. The doctor's inspiration when he devised this plan is the realization that all of us, especially dieters have cravings. If you are trying to lose weight, it is more likely that you will find it hard to fight your cravings because you will think and taste them mor e often than before because you are controlling your food intake now. He felt that this is one of the main reasons why these dieters failed because they do not address their cravings properly. With his healthy cookies, dieters can now have their cravings at the same time continue to lose weight because as they satisfy their cravings, they will feel more motivated to stick with their weight loss plan.

Sample Cv Of A Teacher

As previously discussed, the sample diet plan of the Cookie Diet was available only to the doctor's patients in his Miami hospital. Nowadays, other patients can try them too by simply ordering it online from his website. The main reason why this food works is that it is able to reduce our feeling of hunger by satisfying our cravings due to its sumptuous flavours ranging from Chocolate, Coconut, Oatmeal Raisin, Blueberry, and Banana. Furthermore, it can also control our appetite because we will feel full by the time we have our major meals.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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2011年11月17日 星期四

Weight Loss Diet How Can Calotren Supplement Give A Healthy Body

With over half the population in most countries being affected by obesity, it has become vital to find a solution for it. In this context, Calotren supplement has been found to be of great use. It is a protein supplement which helps the body to lose fat in a natural way. It works in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise pattern and works slowly to show its effects. But what are the pros and cons of taking Calotren? We must find out all about the supplement before deciding to take it regularly.

Burning Up The Calories

Calotren is mainly made up of collagen hydrolysate, which is a form of protein. This protein is very essential in building lean muscle mass which is found in the muscles, organs and joint tissues. In the process of developing these muscles, collagen is produced. The more the collagen, the more the lean muscle mass. And this lean muscle mass again burns up more calories, leading to weight loss. Calotren serves as a supplier of collagen to the body. Therefore, it aids in the development of lean muscle mass and consequently in losing weight. The lean muscle mass burns up more calories than other parts of the body. As more calories are burnt, more fat is destroyed which leads to a leaner body.

What About The Side-Effects?

Calotren supplement has zero side effects. This has been confirmed by all the people who have taken Calotren. Since Calotren has no stimulants like caffeine and ephedrine, it does not cause a person to feel jittery or have a racing heart. These are the normal side-effects of weight-loss supplements. On the other hand, Calotren has displayed some positive side-effects. It has been noticed that Calotren prevents wrinkling of the skin. This means that there will be no wrinkles on your face and hands which will make you look much younger than your age. Beauty experts are also pleased with the results.

How Much Weight Do You Lose?

Calotren supplement must be able to achieve the very goal that it has been created for. Unless you lose substantial weight after consuming Calotren, there is no use in taking it. But studies state that you should be able to lose 1 pound every week. A calorie deficit of 500 calories should be created pe r day. Taking Calotren will add about 12 calories every day which is quite negligible. It is expected that you will achieve 86% success with weight loss after taking Calotren constantly for 90 days.

What Are The Other Benefits?

What can be better than if Calotren supplement can provide other benefits besides controlling your weight. The presence of glucosamine and chondroitin in Calotren is a very good sign. These ingredients aid in developing joint tissue. This means that there will be an increase in joint flexibility and also that you will recover better from joint injuries. Looking at all these aspects of Calotren, one can safely conclude that Calotren is an effective means of controlling your weight. There are only advantages to count.


2011年11月16日 星期三

Learn Samantha Harris’ Healthy Weight Loss Routines

Samantha Harris has one of the most desirable bodies in TV. Everyone wants to know what makes her look so amazing all the time and how she managed to lose weight naturally and maintain her slimming figure , making her in demand when it comes to celebrity weight loss and weight loss secrets.

Samantha Harris is a busy woman. She works as a celebrity host for E!, The Insider and Dancing with the Stars, acts as a wife to financial wholesaler Michael Hess and has to be a mom to two year old Josselyn. Not only that but she has recently made her debut on Broadway by playing the role of Roxie Hart in the musical Chicago.

Pregnancy and Getting Rid of the Weight

During an interview on how to loose weight , Samantha Harris shared that she had to keep up her weight lose exercise even when she was pregnant due to the fact that it was a must for her media profile. She pointed out that she was very dedicated to her lose weight exercise routine and lose weight diet and has c onsidered it to be a very important part of her life.

While she was pregnant, Samantha Harris still did her exercise routine but this time with lower intensity and a heart monitor and of course with the supervision of a doctor. She believes that this is one of the reasons why she was able to lose fat easily after the pregnancy .

Samantha Harris works out an hour a day, four to six days a week and although there are times that her busy schedule would not allow her to maintain it, she would do her best to make sure that she gets to work out weight exercises even for a short time in order to help burn lose body fat.

She also made sure that she did not overindulge in food while she was pregnant to avoid weight gain. The only thing I really changed was eating within the first hour of waking up because I was always a late-morning breakfast person and I usually would go a few hours before I would actually have a meal. I think that was the biggest change, Samantha shared when asked about her attitude towards her dieting during her pregnancy.


Samantha Harris laughs as she admits that she has a sweet tooth . I am a huge dessert fanatic, and I will eat something sweet every single day. So to me that means that I have to balance that somehow.

She shares that for her weight loss diet she makes healthier choices now like eating egg white omelets, lean chicken breasts, and salad with low calorie dressing and brown rice in her meals. She also gave up eating cheese and red meat in order to maintain her figure knowing that the quickest way to lose weight is to avoid the foods that can make you gain weight for a healthy diet .

Samantha Harris shared that she likes to cook but she does not have the luxury of time to do so but she has learned a lot of quick recipes that she can use on her weight loss diet when she is on the go so she does not gave to starve herself. A favorite is the Szechuan turkey burger. Its really healthy; chock full of vegetables, no heavy, creamy sauces. Its really great Samantha Harris described.


A lot of women are jealous of Samantha Harris arms and she laughs at the thought of it. I think since Ive had my daughter its been from carrying her around. Even though shes now two she still wants Mommy to carry her const antly when Im home, and I dont turn her down because I want to be with her after having been at work all day.

Samantha Harris shared that she is fond of doing weight exercise with free weights and actually takes fitness and weight loss classes when she has the time. She usually does repetition routines with three or five pound weights. Samantha Harris also does flat pull downs and flies as part of her weight loses programs.

She is also fond of doing power walks in the park or up and down the stairs while carrying Josselyn and she does this a lot with her husband. This activity walking to lose weight that she shares with her love one has been very encouraging and motivating for her and is her biggest weight loss support.


2011年11月15日 星期二

Checkout for the right fitness programs to reach your weight loss goals

People have realized the importance of maintaining ideal weight for a healthy body and have started stretching the extra mile to maintain a fit and healthy physique. People have become conscious regarding the problems with obesity and have started working out on their fitness programs to cut the extra weight by checking out with different fitness programs to reach their weight loss goals. Officials too are concerned with the rising figures of health problems related to obesity. It is the now the time to choose a weight loss program that is suitable to one's lifestyle and stick on to it till one reaches their ideal weight range.

Enroll yourself into a tried and tested fitness program or buy expert designed self help guides to assist you with your fitness regimen. The key to achieving success with these programs is to choose the right training and remain consistent. Explored herein are a few ways that can be followed to lose weight and look your ravishing self.

How to lose weight:

Before you go through the recommended programs from our end here are a few things you must remember to incorporate in your lifestyle. These tips are essential to help you achieve effective weight loss and sustain an ideal body mass index for as long as you live:

Wise and well planned eating

Moderate exercise a minimum of 30-40 minutes a day, at least 3-4 days a week

Adequate intake of water at least 8-10 glasses per day

Keeping emotions under a scanner it is important to avoid emotional triggers that lead to binging and obsessive eating

Eating food that is healthy and home cooked this allows you to plan the amount of calories you take in

Recommended programs for effective weight loss:

Insanity workout Shaun T's revolutionary Max interval training technique comes to your aid in this program and assists you to lose weight in a consistent and effective manner. The alternating workouts between aerobic and anaerobic intervals help you burn calories better. This 60 day program comes in a ten disc package that contains core, strength, power and resistance training schedules.

Shakeology Diet is as important as exercise. One without the other will not prove beneficial. Shakeology is a meal replacement beverage that is filled with pro-biotic nutrients to help you curb cravings and also assist you lose weight with an intake of less than 150 calories. Intake of this effective meal replacement beverage along with moderate exercise can prove a great relief to your weight loss woes.

Brazilian Butt lift One can also checkout with the Brazilian Butt lift developed by Leandro Carvalho, the famous fitness trainer and model concentrating on the moves to get a good shape of the butt. The workouts introduced by Leandro for the lower body along with the Beach body moves gives a perfect figure one would crave for.

One with firm determination along with the above programs is sure to achieve their weight loss goals in no time. Maintaining consistency in diet and fitness programs surely leads one to a fit and healthy life.


2011年11月14日 星期一

Oolong Tea Weight Loss: What You Need To Get Where You Want To Be

Oolong tea weight loss is a great product that certainly could help you to lose a substantial amount of weight. It is a tea that hails from China, and its name in English means "black dragon tea". It is produced by being left out in the sun until it starts to whiter and oxidize.

It is a very high quality tea, which is extremely well known and greatly appreciated by tea aficionados in south China, and by Chinese citizens that live throughout Southeast Asia. The taste of Oolong tea can vary greatly, depending on the variety of the plant that the tea leaves come from that are used to produce the different types of it.

Some Oolong teas taste very fruity and sweet, and have a honey type of aroma. While other types can be very thick, and come with a woody and roasted smell. Still other kinds smell like flowers, and taste extremely green or fresh. It really all comes down to the manufacturer's preference, and the style of production and horticulture they utilize to make their favorite brands.

The following are a few of the English names for the most popular varieties of Oolong teas, Red Robe, Gold Turtle, White Comb, Cassia, Iron Monk, Wuyi rock (cliff), Iron Goddess, Narcissus, and Golden Cassia.

The big difference between green tea and Oolong tea is the processing. Every type of tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant, although there are many different types of it. All tea leaves are green when they are first picked. Green tea is heated up to stop the usual oxidation of the tea leaf.

Whereas, Oolong tea is set aside and maintained in stringently controlled highly sensitive environments to oxidize at its own pace, which is the reason for the wide diversity of smells and tastes it is available in.

There are two distinct ways people can go about attempting to lose weight. First, they can reduce their calorie intake by cutting down on their meal size, the number of meals they consume, or by eliminating certain foods that are very high in calories; such as sweets, carbohydrates, and fatty foods. Proper weight loss meal plans are essential to your well being.

Second, they can increase their energy output to use up more of the calories storied in their bodies. While it is possible to utilize only one approach to lose weight, it is widely recommended that they are used in conjunction with each other in order to achieve the best results possible.

The reason Oolong tea is thought to help people lose weight is because it increases their metabolism. If you are not familiar with the word metabolism, it essential means the way you digest and utilize the food you eat. More than likely you have heard somebody say something like this in the past, "I wish I had their metabolism, because it does not seem to matter what they eat, they never gain any weight".

In 1998 the Chinese commissioned a double blind medical study be done on weight loss tea such as Oolong tea. They tested 102 females for a six week period. After the six weeks were up, the scientist concluded that Oolong tea did help the patients being tested to lose weight by increasing their metabolism.

The US Agriculture Research Service's Diet and Human Laboratory department also studied Oolong tea in 2001. The test was carried out by Dr. William Rumpler, and were done on 12 healthy males over a three day period. The test revealed that the males that drank the Oolong tea had higher rates of fat oxidation, than the patients that did not consume it.

In 2003 the Japanese also carried out scientific test on Oolong tea, to try and determine if it did indeed contribute to weight loss when it was consumed in large enough quantities. In this study eleven healthy young females were tested and the results that were achieved were very similar to the early test done earlier on this product.

In conclusion, Oolong tea weight loss has been scientifically proven to increase your metabolism and fat oxidation. This will help you to lose weight. But, as with any product in this category, it is not a total solution to your weight loss problem if you do not take other measures to help you lose the weight you want, and keep it off for the rest of your life.


2011年11月13日 星期日

Losing Weight After Pregnancy- 3 Tips To Rid Off Flabbing Tummy

The main problem that worries most women during their post pregnancy period is the fact that they have extra flab on their tummy. What bothers them most is how to lose weight after pregnancy. Postpartum weight loss is not something that is absolutely impossible.

Losing weight after pregnancy is possible if you follow certain rules and regulations and format yourself accordingly. There many systematic approaches to the reduction of this flabbing tummy and to also get your health back online.

These possibilities range from food habits, to regular exercise which is light and also child care. With these few things managed well, you can lose baby weight easily without having to get al depressed and bummed out.

1)It is essential to have good food habits after pregnancy; irrespective of what any one else might tell you and what your body or taste buds may crave for. Junk foods have to be strictly avoided and so do fries and oily carbohydrates. A nything that is added fat and saturated fat is not a very good idea if you want to do away with the flab in your tummy.
2)Another good way to loose weight after pregnancy is to make sure you breast feed the baby. Yes, breast feeding is a good way to lose weight and most doctors recommend this as an effective method of weight loss after pregnancy. Breast feeding is considered to be a really good way of doing away with calories; about 500 calories a day!

3)Postpartum weight loss can take place through regular exercise as well. exercise doesn't mean you take it over board. A little bit of light walking, maybe with a friend, or a new mommy or just you and the baby. Walking is a good way to keep yourself fit and lose weight as well. Walking enables you to detoxify your body and also assists in returning the usual digestion system that has gone for a toss during pregnancy. Weight loss automatically comes with walking!

These are 3 effective tips on how to loose the flab in your tummy after pregnancy. It is essential and advisable that you consult your doctor before you do any of this as post pregnant conditions vary from person to person.

The idea of losing flab on your tummy is good because extra fat can cause serious health problems later, especially if your going to have a second baby. Added fat in the body can cause disorders like joint pain and depression. So it is always better to work towards a health post pregnancy and losing weight is not a bad way to start.


2011年11月12日 星期六

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy should not have to be a difficult task if you have the right information. First off, don't panick! It really is very common to retain additional pounds after the little one arrives.

Should you step on the scale several days after you give birth, you'll likely have one of two reactions. Disappointment or total shock. The weight loss is either not as much as you had hoped for, or in some cases, your bodyweight may possibly not have shifted much at all.

Why didn't you experience much weightloss? In case you were one of the unlucky people who did not achieve much weight loss after giving birth, check your face, hands and ankles. Are they swollen? It may well be that the pregnancy pounds from the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, etc..were replaced by numerous pounds of fluid retention.

This is typical, particularly if you had a great deal of IV fluids during your labor. The good news is that you'll be losing weight after pregnancy in no time as you start to get rid of that fluid bodyweight by urinating and perspiring more regularly. Typically this happens over about 2-3 weeks.

Here are some tips to optimize your goal of losing weight after pregnancy.

1. Drink at the very least 10-12 glasses of water on a daily basis. Replace those sugary beverages such as sodas and fruit juices with some water and perhaps a dash of freshly squeezed lemon. You could also try flavored seltzer water which has zero calories. You'll be able to cut out hundreds of calories daily by doing this!

2. Keep nutritious snacks on hand like raisins, wheat crackers, and nuts. Do not purchase store-bought baked goods or junk food. If you don't buy them you won't eat them!

3. Eat lean meats! - losing weight after pregnancy means eating strictly the leanest cuts of beef. Turkey and chicken breasts are great sources of lean protein. So is fish!

4. Consume whole grains (breads and pastas) in place of the white versions.

5. Cut out ALL carbs after 7:00pm - this will work wonders trust me!

6. Don't be fooled by nonfat labels on foods! Some are loaded with calories and can have hydrogenated vegetable oils and/or high fructose corn syrup, neither of which are nutritious. Read the labels!

7. Resist the urge to binge eat or eat fast foods! If you must, order the salad and not the fat-filled burgers and french fries. Ideally, if you feel cravings you should rather eat fruit or nuts.

8. Losing weight after pregnancy isn't all about eating right. As soon as you feel ready, start light physical exercise. You don't have to train like you're going to the marine core! Try a ten minute stroll with the newborn on a daily basis and slowly enhance your time to 20 minutes each day. Babies could be worn in a snugli or sling or you may use a baby or stroller when the little one gets a bit too heavy. Walk regularly with a friend. This type of low-intensity cardio is great for burning calories!

9. Get creative with maximising your exercise, such as parking farther away or making use of stairs rather than elevators/escalators.

10. Breastfeeding performs wonders for losing weight after pregnancy! Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories daily, so the longer you breastfeed, the far more energy you'll burn.

11. Look into joining a gym and trade babysitting hours with a buddy so when you each go to do your workout, the other can watch the babies. Some gyms might provide babysitting services also.

Just remember it took 9 months to gain the weight; you owe yourself at least that long to lose it. If you stick to the tips listed above, then losing weight after pregnancy shouldn't be too much hassle. However, if you are really serious about losing weight - whether it be that you are looking to get that dream body or just shed a few extra pounds - I highly recommend a program called 'Strip That Fat' - there are many features about this program that make it special, but the real gem of this program is that it really just makes losing weight after pregnancy effortless and enjoyable (not a word you hear too much when talking about diet programs, right?)

Click Here to Visit StripThatFat.com

Alternatively, click here to read my own personal review of the Strip That Fat guide.


2011年11月11日 星期五

Discover The Secrets To Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Hi, how are you?

If you have recently become a mother, congratulations on your new family member, and a very warm welcome to you.

Are you looking for a plan to help you lose weight after pregnancy? New mothers have an especially hard time losing weight after pregnancy because they have to do double duty by getting in shape and looking after the new family member. I see celebreties in magazines get their figures back in no time flat, but they have an unfair advantage.

Your time is precious and you are often tired, so is losing weight really possible?

Well yes, it is. With a little help from your friends. We have a few tips and tricks for you so you can lose weight after pregnancy without collapsing into a puddle on the floor. So read the article and then take a few minutes to plan your attack.

Make Time for You

As you know, this is easy to say and not so easy to do, but you can't do your bes t job taking care of your baby unless you also take care of yourself. Taking some time out to get your figure back is included here. I know it can seem unfeasible to find half an hour or an hour a day for exercise.

Get your spouse, partner, a friend or relative, to keep an eye on the little one while you work out. Some health and fitness centers have infant care facilities. If neither of those work for you, maybe you could coincide your workouts with the baby's snooze times.

Dance is a great choice here. You can dance while you keep one eye on your baby so you won't lose any time, you will charge your batteries and feel good about yourself.

Don't forget the old saying, "Well I don't know, but I've been told, if you keep on dancing you'll never get old".

Have a good stretch before you start so you loosen up your muscles, put on the radio, or an upbeat cd and off you go. It doesn't matter if you're not an expert dancer, your baby won 't tell anyone, so leap about with gay abandon and have fun.

This is no time for for Dido or Mozart though. You have to get a bit sweaty.

Near the end of the session you might want to play some more gentle music as a cool-down period, maybe holding your baby and dancing along together.

You can see how this is a fun way to lose pregnancy weight.
Music is important during pregnancy too. If nothing else will soothe your baby when s/he is upset or during a crying attack, the music you liked listening to while you were expecting may do the trick. I have a friend whose little daughter is soothed by heavy metal because that's what she is used to hearing, and another friend who has to play Tom Waits to her nearly 2-year-old boy.

Try to do 30 minute exercise sessions, but if you absolutely can not, 20 minutes will have to do.

Eat Nutritious Foods

If you want to lose weight after pregnancy, you need to get a decent amount of calories each day. If you breastfeed, you'll need around 1800-2000 calories daily, because breastfeeding uses a lot of energy. As you possibly know, women who breastfeed for 6 months or more regain their figure more rapidly. If you're not, you'll need less, maybe around 1200-1500. If you get enough calories your metabolic rate will remain high, which is desirable for efficiient weight loss and avoids you going into survival mode.

Of course these are very approximate averages, and to get an exact number for your body it's a good idea to have a word with your doctor or go to an online BMI/calorie chart, like http://www.bmi-calculator.net.

Fill up on junky foods, which have little or no nutritional value, and neither of you will be properly nourished. Inferior food makes inferior milk that is less than ideal for your baby. Poor nourishment will cause your metabolic rate to take a dive dragging your enegy level down with it, and this means weight gain, not loss.

Eat small, appetizer-sized amounts of food frequently. Do your best to eat something nutritious every 2-3 hours. Getting enough calcium is important and good sources are dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, and low-fat dairy products. Calcium is great for kicking your fat-burning metabolism into top gear. Also in clude fresh fruits, lean protein, and whole grain products.

Exercising with Your Baby

This doesn't have to be a lonely task. You can lose weight after pregnancy while having fun with your baby. Join an online weight-loss group to connect with other new mothers in your area who might want to join you for walks or swimming with the little ones. Some health centers have classes for mother and baby. If your local center doesn't offer anything suitable, maybe you could suggest they start one

If private time is more to your liking, go out for 30 minutes brisk walk, or jog, with baby in the stroller. To keep it interesting, mix up your routes or destinations. The park, the mall, the zoo, a friend's place etc. When the little guy begins walking properly you take them to a playground or park and join in the child's play.

Support from Friends, Family and Loved Ones

If you can get support from othe rs at this time it's a big help. Losing weight after pregnancy is too demanding for a lot of mothers to go it alone. Whether they provide babysitting service or a morale boost, friends and family can play a crucial role in your success. As Mick and Keith said, "We all need someone we can lean on ..."

It's also important to connect with other new mothers who are facing the same difficulties as you. Discovering what their troubles are, and their solutions to them, can be very good for your morale. You can contribute your own coping mechanisms. Discovering that you're not alone can take a great weight off your shoulders

Get a Good Night's Sleep

I know, you just fell off the chair laughing. Insufficient sleep can cause physical and emotional problems.

'Studies' reveal that most of us need more sleep, and of course that's particularly true if you have a baby who doesn't sleep through the night. Pregnancy takes a lot out of your body, and then the pressure of caring for a new member of the family can be draining.

Don't Rush Into It

Let your body recover after childbirth before you start any weight loss program. Most women need six to eight weeks and then they can ease gently into a weight loss plan.

Be gentle on yourself and don't worry if it's taking longer that you'd like, that's alright and anyway, time flies.

If at all possible, get one of your support group to babysit 3 times a week while you get 8 hours sleep. If you're a light sleeper, you may need to use ear plugs.

A good stretch of restful sleep will benefit your mind, body and mood. If you are breastfeeding, you might want to express some milk so the person keeping an eye on baby can do the feeding without waking you.

It will take longer for breastfeeding mothers before they can expect a good night's sleep to be a way of life. The best you can do is grab a nap whenever you can, and console yourself with the knowledge that your baby will be stronger and healthier because of your sacrifice and very soon the two of you will be sleeping through the night.

Okay now, off you go. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.

The best of luck to you and take very good care ..



2011年11月10日 星期四

Easy tips to lose weight after pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy is very critical for nearly all new mothers eager to regain their previous figure after giving birth. It is best to ignore the example set by some celeb mothers who seem to be thinner than ever a few short weeks after having their baby. These individuals maintain a committed team of personal trainers, dieticians and doctors helping them and unless you have the same it is best to allow yourself up to 9 months to get back to your previous figure as this is how long it took you to put on the weight and it possibly will take just as long to lose it again.

One of the top things that you can do to help you lose your mummy tummy is to keep weight gained throughout the pregnancy to a bare minimum. That is not to say you ought to be dieting while pregnant as this can hurt your baby but a well balanced healthy diet will keep any pregnancy weight increase to a bare minimum. Exercise is also essential and can be done up to the later stages of pre gnancy. Exercises that strengthen the tummy muscles are particularly valuable although any exercise will help to burn off surplus calories and reduce pregnancy stomach.
Losing weight after pregnancy is much the same as flab loss at any other time. The right diet and a lot of keep fit are the best ways to lose weight post- pregnancy or indeed at any other time. If you are breast feeding going on a calorie restrictive diet is not a great notion as your baby may perhaps not get all the nutrients that he or she needs and breastfeeding is as well a splendid way of using up the supplies of fat in the body.

The bulk of your post-pregnancy diet ought to be made up of fruits, vegetables and wholegrains. These foods are rich in fibre and essential vitamins and minerals and keep you feeling satiated for longer. Make certain that you gorge a regular source of lean protein such as chicken, fish, beans or nuts as these are essential for the body to restore itself. Start to eat smaller portion sizes now you are no longer eating for two or try having more smaller meals through the day instead of three generous ones as this helps to keep blo od sugar levels constant and prevents longings for food.

Exercise plays a very vital role in weight loss and there is no grounds not to keep fit after your baby is born as long as your doctor has given you the ok (and you can find the time). It is best to begin bit by bit and build up to more intense workouts. Start by going for regular walks with baby and build up to a few light aerobic exercises. Losing weight around the stomach can be very tricky to do and requires a decline in overall body fat. Unfortunately it is not feasible to get rid of fat in only one region although regular sit-ups and tummy crunches will help tone up the muscles underneath.

So if you aspire to lose weight after pregnancy the two most critical things to remember are a having a healthy well balanced diet and doing regular exercise when you are able to. This will make returning to work after maternity leave much easier as you will be feeling more self-confident about yourself a nd your body.


2011年11月9日 星期三

3 Ways On How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy is something that bothers most mothers. Most of them may feel that it is impossible to do so, especially after all the post pregnancy problems. But that is a myth really. There are many ways in which you can lose weight after pregnancy.

One way is to control the intake of your food along with the quality of food you take in. Water intake should range around 10-12 glasses or at least 4 litres minimum through out the day. Do not indulge in the usual high sugar contented drinks. A good thing to do would be to add a hint of lime to the drinking water and replace it with juices.

The next thing to do is watch out on the food you take in. Weight loss after pregnancy depends a lot on the food you take. Junk food has to be a strict no-no and make sure you avoid things which claim to be non-fat because any kind of hydrogenated oiled products should be avoided. Avoid the burgers and fries and go in for fresh salads.
A few quick munchies are not a bad choice either. Wheat crackers or popcorn are good. As for the meat intake, any kind of boneless meat is good. Chicken boiled and stewed and boneless is a great idea! These are few things that should be kept in mind if you are wondering on how to lose weight after pregnancy.

The next thing that bothers most mommies is the issue of postpartum weight loss. You could lose baby weight easily once you think you are fit enough to move out for some easy and light exercise. Walking is good, if the outdoor is pleasant. You can take a friend along or walk with the baby but make sure you walk slowly.

No need to gear up for a marathon! This is a good idea if you are wondering on how to lose baby weight. Some gyms come along with programmes for moms after pregnancy and also provide consultation on how to lose weight after pregnancy.

These are 3 tips on how you can actually control your weight after pregnancy witho ut over doing it. After all, after pregnancy your body takes time to resume its original form. The same kind of fitness schedule or diet may not be applicable all the time. And during pregnancy it is normal to put on a lot of weight and the urge to lose it comes as soon as it is over!

So do not worry. If you really want to lose weight after pregnancy, these few tips should help you without any problem. All you have to do is be a little patient and systematic.


2011年11月8日 星期二

How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Learning ways on how to lose weight after pregnancy can be very frustrating for any new mother. Wanting to get back to pre-pregnancy shape is absolutely natural, and nothing to give up on, nor feel guilty about. Having a new baby is an extremely stressful time for a woman, so exercising some patience is a must when it comes to losing the extra weight that came along with the pregnancy.

If you're just starting to learn how to lose weight after pregnancy, make sure you don't put any additional stress on yourself by trying to rush the weight loss. Instead, make goals for yourself, and set reasonable targets to reach. Make sure they are attainable as well. If you set yourself up for failure, you will quit that much quicker. Below are some more specific tips to follow if you want to lose that pregnancy weight.

How to lose weight after pregnancy:

* Wait some time - I know it may not be exactly what you want to hear, but all experts agree that waiting 6 weeks or so before beginning any weight loss program is ideal. Your body needs some time to recover from those last 9 months, and you obviously won't be up to doing too much exercise right away anyhow.

* Breastfeeding - For anyone who's ever learned how to lose weight after pregnancy, breastfeeding has been an answer. This can help a woman to burn an extra 500 calories a day, but bear in mind that what you eat as its mom, the baby also takes in. Try to keep the junk food to a minimum if you decide to breastfeed.

* Eat when you are hungry - A common misconception about losing weight is that a person should eat less. This solution is a bad one, and that goes two-fold if you are a new mommy since you need to replenish your body wit h vitamins and nutrients. When you feel like you're hungry, make yourself a healthy snack, and don't skip meals.

* Fiber - Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables which are great sources of fiber. Fiber foods will help give you energy and, in turn, help raise your body's metabolism. They will also help to make you feel full after eating them, so binge eating will be prevented.

* Water - Anyone looking into how to lose weight after pregnancy has probably heard about the positive effects of drinking water. I can't stress this enough: drink as much water as possible. It will keep you hydrated, give you energy, and even satisfy your hunger so you don't need to fill up on junk food.

* Exercise - When you feel up to it (and I stress that part), try to get out and do some physical activity. Start lightly and work your way to more strenuous exercising. For instance, in the beginning stages o f exercising, just take your baby out for some short walks or do some ab crunches. You can gradually step up to exercise machines and weights at a later time. No matter what, however, physical exercise must play a part of any weight loss plan.

Remember, if you're searching for ways on how to lose weight after pregnancy, you must keep in mind that it took a big part of the last 9 months to gain that weight, so you have to give yourself some time to take it off. Combine exercise with healthy eating habits and you will find that those pounds will start to shed.

Just don't get discouraged and don't give up!!


2011年11月7日 星期一

To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

To lose weight after pregnancy is not an easy thing to do given that you need food and the surface energy to manage your child. In this case, even without food is an absolute no-no. Plans may well deter those stubborn fat from your body, but was deprived of the nutrients your body needs, may sacrifice your health. Surely, you may be happy to start a weight loss program to return in shape after childbirth pronto. But the expert advice that you give yourself a break and think first and foremost for your health than you do as you're close to losing weight effectively. Why? This is due to get enough calories from food may increase the body's metabolism to help you with abundant energy fuel, which is important for physical function and better digestion. For this reason, the diet is balanced and healthy basis as you lose weight after pregnancy.

Some women lose weight quickly only to breast-feeding a baby, but the extra effort to choose which foods to consume rationally combine physical activity is better than the best of the fat loss during pregnancy are necessary some.Weight after pregnancy varies every woman, even though the average wait at least 6-8 months to return to the unusual shape and some can last longer.

Again, your food contains all the essential nutrients to your fuel consumption with energy required for milk production and energy to help keep the stress of caring for a child you can anticipate nights White to take care of your child. Lack of sleep is expected after pregnancy, but during nap time to time can help you control cravings for unhealthy snacks like candy and junk food, which is said to be associated with sleep deprivation. You can still be tempted to indulge in sweets, fatty and fried foods and soft drinks, but be sure to fight against these cravings is to eat nutritious foods that fuel you with energy and aid in the digestion of whole wheat bread or fruit and vegetables contain fiber to lose weight immediately after pregnancy.

In most cases, the unit is acceptable only six weeks after delivery or when the body is able to adapt to exercise stress. This is usually the time needed to recover from the stress of being pregnant and heal the skin tear and episiotomy because the baby out. Choosing as a starting light exercise such as walking or pushchair so you can get your fat burning as you do your daily routine, but attention to any negative body reaction like dizziness or blurred vision to choose the way heavier exercise. Exercise is probably one of the tasks tedious and boring lose weight after pregnancy, but you can do something good, try to connect to a newly pregnant woman one that has the same goals as their own or other groups to lose weight . They not only friends, but weight loss can help you get tips on how to lose weight effectively without sacrificing your health.

An e-book written by Michelle Moss is a good way to keep you informed about the secret to effectively lose weight after pregnancy. If you do not know how you start to lose weight, learn to read and practical advice to get into your body, you really want. To return to the form is important not only to make you feel good to have the body shape, like most women could, you can also protect against the development of other medical conditions caused by obesity or obesity such as hypertension, diabetes and other metabolic problems that occur later in life. In most cases, such as obesity begins in a woman after childbirth, to prevent this problem and feel good about your body, lose weight after pregnancy.

Walking and swimming are some exercises starting point if other types of exercise such as yoga, exercise and aerobics are also interesting because it keeps you energized place feel weak. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking water while exercising or performing any activity that makes you sweat. In most cases, it is necessary to make a trip to the gym for a fit body, the incorporation of normal activities like walking out of your child can stay in the way their body weight or shape.


2011年11月6日 星期日

Losing Weight After Pregnancy is as Easy as Gaining it

Losing weight after pregnancy is as normal as is weight gain during pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain happens because your calorie intake increases. This weight gain ensures that both you and your child are well nourished throughout the pregnancy. Weight loss after pregnancy can be a little slow, as the body takes time to come back to its normal after all the hormonal changes. Many women opt for heavy exercise and crash diet immediately after their delivery. This can affect your body adversely. You need to give time to your body to recover after the pregnancy period. Keeping yourself well nourished is very important, as you are breast-feeding your child.

It is not advisable to follow weight loss tips that fasten the weight loss process. Instead, a low fat diet combined with some physical exercise is a good way to lose weight at a normal pace.

Feel Good With Weight Loss after Pregnancy

Before you start your weight loss journey, it is important that you consult your doctor. He will tell you the right way of losing weight after pregnancy. High impact exercises are generally not recommended, until you complete six weeks of post pregnancy period.
During those six weeks, you can take up walking, as it is a good form of physical exercise that gives you time to collect your thoughts as well as recover from post partum depression. You may consider taking your infant for a walk at times. Fresh air is good for both mom and the child.

Another way to deal with pregnancy weight gain is working on your wardrobe. As your pre pregnancy clothes will not fit you until some months after delivery, why not buy a couple of dresses that fits your current size?
Well fitted clothes do wonders for self-esteem. Therefore, during the months when you are losing weight after pregnancy, you can enjoy your new wardrobe to the fullest. Your positive state of mind will ensure a healthy weight loss after pregnancy.

Consider These While Loosing Weight after Pregnancy

It is essential that you maintain a regular workout routine during your pregnancy. This will help you lose weight after pregnancy, as your body is already accustomed to exercise.

Eat regularly and eat healthy. Keep a lot of healthy munch. Fruits and juices are good source of energy. Keep your body well hydrated by drinking lots of fluids.

Get on a low fat diet. Eat foods, which are high in protein and fiber. Rather than eating processed food, go in for natural foods. Fruits, dry fruits and leafy vegetables are good sources of energy.

Eat at regular intervals. This would prevent overeating during meals and also your metabolism will improve. If you keep giving your body regular energy, its systems will improve.

Ensure that your calorie count does not go lower than 1500 cal, as after pregnancy also your body needs nutrients. Women who are breast feeding need to be extra careful of their diet.

Always remember losing weight after pregnancy should be a natural process and should not be speeded by adding unnecessary catalysts.


2011年11月5日 星期六

5 Minutes - 5 Point Guide on Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Although, having a baby is a breathtaking journey for any woman, after continuing nine months of pregnancys varying symptoms, including enormous pregnancy weight gain, its natural that first thing that struck your mind is find means for losing weight after pregnancy as soon as possible. However, dont be too impatient. Life after giving birth is full of new pleasant and unpleasant surprises, which can cut across your plans to lose weight.

Weight gain during pregnancy period is healthy and natural, but many women crave to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies. The average weight gain during pregnancy is between 25 to 35 pounds. During the birth, new moms shed about 12.5 to 14 pound, leaving 12 to 21 pounds of excess weight to be lost during the postpartum period. Just as it is best to put on weight slowly and steadily during your pregnancy, you need to be slow and steady in losing weight after pregnancy. Here are some weight loss tips for getting yourself back into shape:

Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. Replace your high sugar, high calorie drinks like colas and juices, with lukewarm water, and a squeeze of lemon in it. Say no to junk food and keep your healthy snacks, such as nuts, crackers, and fruits handy. Also, avoid readymade tinned foods.
An average weight woman requires approximately 2500 to 2800 kcal/day during lactation. The diet you take should be balanced, rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. You should take adequate amount of milk. Iron and calcium supplements maybe taken if required.
Breastfeeding helps in losing weight after pregnancy. Nursing babies uses about 1000 calories per day, so breastfeeding is one of the most efficient ways to make sure that the extra body fat and water added during pregnancy are transferred to your baby.
Exercise is one of the best resorts for weight loss after pregnancy. Exercise will help you lose those extra pounds put on during pregnancy, ease post-partum depression and unlike dieting, it wont harm your baby, if you are nursing. It is important that you go slowly with your exercising schedule. Wait at least six weeks after your delivery. 10 minute exercises should be started with and then increased when feel more comfortable. Try to do only low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga. Come up with your individual exercise program derive one you can stick to and try to find a companion in your friend or a new mum like you. Stop immediately, if you are short of breath or feel dizzy.

As somebody rightly stated nine months on, nine months off for losing weight after pregnancy. Do not be impatient to lose weight quickly, as you took nine months to gain that. Pregnancy and weight gain are like peas and carrots they go hand in hand and it is healthy for you. Therefore, when trying to lose those pregnancy pounds, be sensible and do not entertain extremes: no junk food and no celebrity diets. Balanced diet full of nutrition, coupled with exercise is the safest and healthiest way to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape.


2011年11月4日 星期五

A Healthy Way to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

As soon as you have delivered your baby, you may think that you are on your way to lose weight. In essence, that is true. You are really bound to lose the extra weight that you have gained while you were pregnant.

However, you need to realize that losing weight does not happen overnight. You can't lose weight just by giving birth as well. To lose weight after pregnancy, you will have to do something.

Bound to lose some weight

Mothers will lose weight after pregnancy as they give birth and as they go about the activities that are needed for proper child rearing.

In giving birth, a mother loses as much as ten pounds or 4.5 kilograms. This weight can be attributed to the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid, and the placenta. In addition to that, you will also lose some weight as your body eventually tries to shed off all those retained prenatal fluids that you have in your body.

Normally, a mother is b ound to lose as little as eight pounds or as much as twenty pounds during the first week after the baby has been delivered. Also, you will lose weight after pregnancy, as your uterus will adjust and contract to its pre-pregnancy state in about four weeks after you give birth. However, you have to keep in mind that the fat that you have stored during pregnancy won't go away automatically. You will need to exert some effort. Eating the right kind of food and engaging in light activities can help your body lose some weight gradually over time.
Normal weight loss

To lose some weight after pregnancy, you have to exercise and eat healthy foods. Instead of eating foods that are high in calories and sugar, you have to eat fruits and vegetables. Add whole gains into your diet as well. Focus on foods that are rich in fiber since these will provide you with important nutrients, but will not contribute much to your calorie intake. You can also try eating skinless poultry, lean meat, fish and beans. These foods are rich in iron, protein, zinc and other B vitamins.

As for the exercises, you should try to incorporate light activities in your day to day living. Include walking in your everyday routine. Also, make it a point to do some household chores, as well as a set of light aerobic exercises. If you can, consider joining a gym so you can immediately lose weight after pregnancy.


Breastfeeding can help you lose some weight after pregnancy. Studies show that mothers who breast feed their babies find it easier to return back to their pre-pregnancy shape than mothers who don't.

In essence, breastfeeding is one of the natural ways to lose weight after pregnancy primarily because it was designed to support you're the child rearing process. Also, you have to note that this motherhood task actually requires you to exert as much as five hundred calories everyday.

However, if you plan to breastfeed, you cannot engage in very strict diets that reduce a lot of calorie intake. Calories are needed to maintain the right quality of milk for your baby. Also, dieting can force the body to release some toxins that can lead to low quality breast milk.


2011年11月3日 星期四

The Role of Weight-Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgeries are not a cure for obesity. Infact you only have a few years to enjoy the sole benefits of weight loss surgeries.

Permanent weight loss is not assured through weight loss surgeries; rather it is about a change in lifestyle. Obviously weight loss surgeries do not constitute a lifestyle change.

Types of weight loss surgeries:

There are basically three types of weight loss surgery procedures;
(i) Restrictive weight loss surgery
(ii) Mal-absorptive weight loss surgery
(iii) Restrictive and mal-absorptive (Combined) weight loss surgery.

Restrictive weight loss surgeries are procedures that reduces the size of the stomach such that you are forced to eat less by restricting the amount of food you stomach can hold at a time hence the term restrictive surgery. This is usually done in two main ways, either using staples or using a band.

Both procedures reduce the size of the effective stoma ch by creating a small pouch out of the main stomach using either the band or staples.

Mal-absorptive weight loss surgeries on the other hand donot limit food intake. It inhibits absorption of calories. The procedures involve eliminating a substantial length of small intestines from coming in contact with the digested food.
The logic behind mal-absorptive surgeries are that though one may eat a lot of calories, fewer calories are absorbed into the blood stream due to a significantly shorter small intestines, the site for nutrient and calorie absorption.

Combined weight loss surgeries are a hybrid of the other two procedures. It has become more common as it is found to be more effective to restrict both calorie intake and absorption.

According to American Society of Bariatric Surgery, about 170,000 people in the year 2005 had weight loss surgeries. Most of these procedures were dome on adults 65 yrs old and younger who had been immobilized by their weigh and related medical conditions.

Weight Loss Surgeries are an extreme support structure:

It is important that weight loss surgeries is understood. They are not a cure for obesity they probably will never be. The only known cure for obesity is a change in lifestyle to a healthy diet and increased p hysical activities.

As so appropriately suggested by surgeon Harvey Sugerman professor emeritus of Virginia Commonwealth University and a past president of American Society of Biatric Surgery, weight loss surgery "is a tool". Indeed it is an extreme tool only for extreme cases.

Among the top 4 reasons you fail in losing weight is lack of weight loss support structures. Weight loss surgeries are support structures. Weight loss support structures are physical means that are designed to aid your physiology as well as psychology in the pursuit to lose weight healthily and safely.Among the characteristics that weight loss surgeries exhibits support include the fact that weight loss surgery jump stars weight loss.

This is a similar characteristic you will find in a liquid diet or an appetite suppressing weight loss pill. Both can be used under a watchful eye to assist in losing weight. Similarly weight loss surgeries should be handled as weight los s support structure. They are not a cure.